Pencil Trick

Rating: NC-17 ~ Warnings: Twincest, crack

Bill flopped down on the hotel bed with a grin. "That was an absolutely awesome movie," he mumbled, staring at the ceiling. "Best one I've seen in a while."

"You say the same thing after every time we go to the theatres," Tom said, sitting on the second bed in the room.

Bill pouted and sat up. "You have to admit that The Dark Knight was an awesome movie," he said. "I'm not a big fan of movies like it, but even I thought it was really good."

Tom shrugged, making a face. "To each their own," he said, looking at Bill.

Bill nodded and stood, plopping himself into Tom's lap. Tom grunted at the sudden weight on his lap, scowling lightly as he wrapped his arms around Bill's middle. Bill only smiled and wriggled his bum around, knowing the reaction that would come from Tom. Predictably, Tom's arms tightened around his waist, sucking in a breath seconds later.

Bill leaned forward, his breath and lips brushing Tom's ear. "I can make my pencil disappear," he said, laughing lightly at the confused noise that came from Tom. "Wanna see?"

Tom pushed Bill away, raising a brow when they stared at each other. "Your pencil, Bill?" He looked in between laughing and more confusion before settling on amusement. "I almost have no idea what you're talking about, but I hope it doesn't hurt." The smile on his lips gave away that he knew exactly what Bill was talking about.

Bill ground down on Tom's lap, grinning. "At first, it'll hurt," he said, "but I assure you, it'll feel amazing if you can get past the pain."

The challenge glinting in Bill's eyes had Tom plunging in to join him. "Show me," he said.

Bill laughed, pushing Tom's upper body onto the bed. Tom went willingly, spreading his legs as Bill manouvered himself off Tom's lap and between his legs. Bill placed his hands on Tom's thighs, fingering the too-large pants before quickly moving his hands to the button and fly on Tom's pants. Effortlessly, Bill had Tom's pants opened and off his twin and on the floor, the too-large shirt soon following after his pants. Bill's hands feathered over Tom's well-muscled torso, his eyes drinking in the sight.

"I almost hate the fact you hide such a gorgeous body from everybody," Bill mumbled, fingers fanning over Tom's chest and nipples. "One shouldn't hide it from people. Maybe some tighter clothes..."

"Absolutely not," Tom interrupted Bill. "You know I don't like tight clothes - they make me feel uncomfortable."

"You didn't let me finish," Bill chatised lightly and tightly pinched Tom's nipples, causing Tom to cry out and arch his back. "I mean only a little tighter than what your wearing. Four sizes too big is a bit much, why not just two sizes?"

Tom made a face. "Maybe," he said. "We'll take about it later."

"Oh, fine." Bill teased Tom's nipples with his thumbs before quickly sitting up and removing his shirt, tossing it to the ground unceremoniously next to Tom's shirt and pants. That done, Bill ruffled his hair lightly and leaned forward, his nose nearly touching Tom's. They looked at each other, sharing a smile just as their lips made contact, becoming passionate quickly. Bill's tongue invaded Tom's mouth, scouring the warm cavern with vicious licks. Tom moaned softly, his hands going to the button on Bill's pants; quickly getting them opened and halfway down Bill's thighs before Bill's hands stopped him. Bill smiled at Tom, getting up and removing his pants quickly before crawling back onto the bed and initiating another kiss.

While kissing Bill, Tom didn't realise his boxers were gone until he felt the smooth fabric slide over his thighs. He didn't mind, however, and continued kissing Bill, bending his legs and propping his feet onto the bed. Not long after, Tom felt fingers prodding his arse, coated thickly in cool lubricant. He broke the kiss and smiled at Bill.

"Just do it."

Bill made a face, but swiftly entered two fingers into his twin's hole, halting when Tom hissed and tightened up. Tom jerked his hips seconds later with a soft sigh, indicating for Bill to continue. Preparing Tom never took long as Bill soon has four fingers inside of Tom with Tom fucking himself on the four fingers, moaning softly. All too soon, Bill removed his fingers from Tom, recieving a grunt of protest from the other, but that soon turned into a drawn-out moan as Bill quickly entered Tom to the hilt.


Bill couldn't fathom how Tom could still be amazingly tight after having four fingers inside of him, but he loved it and jerked his hips in kind. Tom moaned, wrapping his legs around Bill's waist, and arching into the other. Bill gave a tight nod and started up a steady rhythm, angling his hips as he searched for Tom's sweet spot - giving a grin when Tom's eyes shot open and a loud moan escaped his throat. Bill kept his thrusting angling just right, knowing that Tom wouldn't last long with his prostate being pounded against thoroughly.

Tom's breath hitched sharply, hands coming up to cup Bill's face. He kissed Bill hard, their tongues clashing against each other. Not long after, one of Bill's hands snaked around Tom's member, stroking the turgid flesh tightly. Tom's breath hitched, breaking the kiss as he moaned, his orgasm ripping through him. Seconds later, Tom heard Bill moan and warm fluid coating his insides.

Bill removed himself from Tom before falling bonelessly next to Tom. Immediately, Tom turned toward Bill and wrapped his arms around the other, yawning. Bill chuckled and returned the gesture, holding Tom close.

Bill sighed, content. "And that," he said, yawning; "is exactly how you make a pencil disappear."


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