"I am Andromeda, Mistress of the Dark Arts. And I'm afraid you, little Zodiacs, will be no match for my great power!
Andromeda may look like a pretty weak kind of main enemy, but appearances can be deceiving. Only 16 years old, she secretly has the great magical power of the Black Stars, which are summoned by a silver-and-black beaded bracelet on her wrist. The bracelets channel Daricon�s spells through her hands and into various substances, growing into her Youma. Most have a general humanoid shape, but most are giants, and each is obviously made from the substance she cast the spell on. Ex.: mud, water, a rose bush�just about anything that can be made into something.

While first searching for energy, Andromeda often hides under a disguise for the town, making her look like an honest businesswoman, ready for a day at work. Her real work is finding the energy to free Lord Daricon, which means hunting down the mysterious Black Nightmare, a partial-spirit of pure darkness.

Andromeda is very vain, and will attack savagely if anyone insults her hair, clothes, powers or just general beauty. She�s been head-over-heels for Orion ever since their past lives, when both were recruited by the Black Stars, a secret anti-moon organization based on earth. The Zodiacs were dispatched to disband the Black Stars, killing Andromeda and Orion, but ending with Gemini committing suicide, and the rest of the Zodiac�s eventual deaths.

The only thing, besides Lord Daricon, that Andromeda truly fears is finding her older sister, Cassiopeia, or Peia for short. It�s unknown whether the older sister was reincarnated or not, but in their past lives she repeatedly upstaged Andromeda in every way. She was higher in rank, stronger in her magic, and, to top it all off, Orion�s second girlfriend. Andromeda dreads her ever returning.
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