Sailor Aries
"I strive for the beautiful smell of fresh blood on our battlefeild. That's why I, Sailor Aries, Zodiac Scout of War, am here to quench that thirst."
Real Name: Mien Arika
Nickname: Mia, but only when she�s causing trouble.
Age: True age indefinable, physically 21
Birthplace: Hamal A
School: You�re kidding, right?
Height: 6�
Fav Class: P.E.
Least Fav Class: Algebra
Fav Gemstone: Bloodstone
Fav Food: Sushi
Least Fav Food: Anything green
Fav Color: Blood red
Least Fav Color: Peach
Likes: Fighting
Dislikes: Weaklings
Strengths: Head-strong, independent, brute strength
Weaknesses: Blood thirsty, reckless, rash
Hobbies: Trust me, you don't wanna know
Dream: To Destroy the Bright Zodiacs and be remembered in battle
Visible Weapon: Sword of War
Aries Star Power!
Mien says this to transform into Sailor Aries.

Sword of Blood!
Aries consintrates all her energy on the blade of her sword. She slashes it forward, and a blade of blood red power lashes forward, slicing throug the enemy ruthlessly.

Blade of Power!
Pretty simple. Aries gathers all her power in the blade, then plundges it into her opponet.

Destruction Beam!
Arie's ultimate attak. She thrusts the sword in front of her three times, each time making a cut in the sky so that it looks like an upside-down triangle. From there a huge blast of energy spews from inside to triangle, engulfing her opponet instantly.
Mien is ruthless, heartless and a cold-blooded killer, and that's putting it nicely. She has no conscience whatsoever and seams to have been designed to be the ultimate assassin, which could be true, in a way. Everything that Aries does or did is trained, because every other Sailor Aries that ever existed has acted the exact same way. She doesn't enroll in school while she's in hiding, but prefers to roam around with or without Akane/Sailor Taurus and cause trouble.

As Sailor Aries, she is the second-in-command and is sometimes seemingly close to Sora/Sailor Virgo. But she really prefers Akane's equally stubborn and violent nature that works with her own when it comes to choosing sides. In all honesty, she doesn�t like anybody, and hates the Brights. She�s distinctly loyal to the Stars, and believes like the others that the Brights are traitors.

Aries is the 2nd-eldest of the Dark Zodiacs, who now work for the Black Stars. Originally, there were 12 Zodiac scouts, all working together as a group under instructions from one large, mysterious book, even they didn�t know much about. Virgo, the eldest, acted as active leader. She and the other three Darks were training the youngest five�the Brights, all physically 10-12 years old at the time�to replace the five retired (read: dead) Senshi. At least until the Zodiac Wars began.

No one really knows what happened during that time period, or just what caused the war, or even who the hell fought in it, but it ended with most of the Star-Senshi (Senshi in protection of whole Star-Systems) dead, and many of their underlings (those who protected the planets around said star) either dead or in cases of extreme turmoil. Naturally, the strongest team of the Star-Senshi were the 12 Zodiacs. The number dropped to 7 when the 5 youngest ones, who hadn�t completed their masteries yet, were sent to a planet far out of range that was �safe�. Those left began to war against whatever the hell it was they were warring against. But three of their own were killed, and the other four frozen in the ice of Chiron for centuries.

The four were revived by Lord Daricon, leader of the Black Stars. He showed them that their students had worked against them to aid the Silver Millennium. Since they were found frozen on her moon, it was a safe bet to say that Pluto, who guarded the moon kingdom from afar, had imprisoned them, bet wither this is true or not is unknown. But the Darks turned against their own students and now are determined to destroy them. Aries�s feelings are mostly influenced by her disappointment in her student, Capricorn, who refused to learn her violent techniques and took more advice from Virgo than her own trainer.

Her weapon, the War Sword, is the key to many a bloody victory. The bloody and gorier, the more likely Aries and her sword were involved.
Pictures of Mien/Sailor Aries
The first peice of Aries art! It's by Lady Sachiko! ^_^
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