Sailor Cancer
"Soft and warm is the toug of the healer. I, Sailor Cancer, Zodiac Scout of Health, am here to heal the wounds of your fighting."
Real Name: Lana Kamika
Nicknames: Lan, Nana, �Wimp� (Aries & Taurus)
Age: True age indefinable. Physically, 20
Birthplace: 55 Cancri C
School: KC University (working towards Doctorate)
Height: 5' 10"
Fav Food: Ice Cream
Least Fav Food: Anything Spicy
Fav Gemstone: Diamond
Fav Class: Art
Least Fav Class: None
Fav Colors: Pale blue and gray
Least Fav Color: Red
Likes: People, animals, just about everything
Dislikes: People who judge anyone or anything, in particular, racism
Strengths: Good strategist, Defense
Weaknesses: Attack Strength, Physically Weak
Hobby: Thinking
Dream: To become a nurse
Visible Weapon: The Healing Potion
Element: Health
Cancer Star Power!
Lana says this to transform into Sailor Cancer.

Healing Wind!
Cancer's attacks are generally very gentle. Healing Wind is when she lifts her hands to the sky, then throws them at her opponet, who is sweapt into the air by a gust of wind and open to an attack from one of the others.

Freezing (or Sleeping) Breath!
Very, very gently, Cancer breaths towards her opponets. Without them realizing it, this can freeze them solid or knock them out.

Kiss of the Healer!
Cancer blows a kiss to her victem. It moved very quickly and is invisible, but can strike her opponet down before they have time to blink!
Lana is the gentlest and kindest of the Dark Senshi, and easily the kindest Zodiac Scout period. When it comes to fighting she is easily the weakest, her attacks being only those to render her opponent helpless against an attack done by one of her fellows. She is kind and warm-hearted, and gives off a gentle, calming feeling of unity and oneness in the world. She studies to become a nurse while hiding on Earth. She�s also rather dependant, like Aquarius, and prefers to hide herself to aid her teammates in secret, rather than expose herself to any unnecessary danger.

Cancer is the 2nd-youngest of the Dark Zodiacs, who now work for the Black Stars. Originally, there were 12 Zodiac scouts, all working together as a group under instructions from one large, mysterious book, even they didn�t know much about. Virgo, the eldest, acted as active leader. She and the other three Darks were training the youngest five�the Brights, all physically 10-12 years old at the time�to replace the five retired (read: dead) Senshi. At least until the Zodiac Wars began.

No one really knows what happened during that time period, or just what caused the war, or even who the hell fought in it, but it ended with most of the Star-Senshi (Senshi in protection of whole Star-Systems) dead, and many of their underlings (those who protected the planets around said star) either dead or in cases of extreme turmoil. Naturally, the strongest team of the Star-Senshi were the 12 Zodiacs. The number dropped to 7 when the 5 youngest ones, who hadn�t completed their masteries yet, were sent to a planet far out of range that was �safe�. Those left began to war against whatever the hell it was they were warring against. But three of their own were killed, and the other four frozen in the ice of Chiron for centuries.

The four were revived by Lord Daricon, leader of the Black Stars. He showed them that their students had worked against them to aid the Silver Millennium. Since they were found frozen on her moon, it was a safe bet to say that Pluto, who guarded the moon kingdom from afar, had imprisoned them, bet wither this is true or not is unknown. But the Darks turned against their own students and now are determined to destroy them. Cancer is the only one to doubt Daricon�s words, and secretly she tries to help the Brights without blowing her cover.

Cancer�s tool isn't really a weapon. The bottle she wears around her neck contains a healing potion so powerful it can even turn back a deadly wound.

Cancer is the trainer of Sailor Aquarius, who is the weakest of the Bright Zodiacs, and Cancer cares about her deeply.
Pictures of Lana/Sailor Cancer
By Lady Sachiko. ^_^
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