Sailor Capricorn
"Sincere and gentle as the early morning's dew, I, Sailor Capricorn, Zodiac Scout of Sincerity, am here to show you the error of your ways.
Real Name: Aikari Mianka
Nicknames: Aika (only to Tia)
Age: 13
Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan
School: Sukiyaki Middle (Class 7A)
Height: 5' 6"
Fav Class: Music
Least Fav Class: P.E.
Fav Color: White and Pink
Least Fav Color: Black
Likes: Anything furry and cuddly, Sleeping
Dislikes: Icky Monsters
Strengths: Kind-Hearted, Strong Attacks
Weaknesses: Klutzy, Na�ve, Too Trusting
Hobby: Collecting Stuffed Animals
Dream: To become a model
Visible Weapon: Amalthea Horn
Element: Sincerity
Capricorn Star Power!
Aikari says this to transform into Sailor Capricorn

Call of the Horn!
Not really an attack, but...she uses this move if she is caught off-guard. The sound can be heard and tracked by any of the Bright Zodiacs, who *hopefully* rush to her aid.

Capricorn Cornucopia Blast!
A useful attack with a hard-to-say name, Cornucopia Blast comes from building her energy into the horn. When she blows it, the power rushes out and engulfs her enemies in a beam of light.

Capricorn's favorite attack. She shouted out the name as she lifts the horn into the air. When she brings it down to her lips and blows, the sound waves paralyze the enemy instantly, so they're unable to move a mussel! However, she sometimes bumbles it up like everything else, and often accidentally paralyzes her friends instead!
Aikari can rightly be called one of the biggest ditzes on the planet. She forgets everything, trips over her own feet, and rarely takes anything seriously at all. But, somehow, she has the childish, uncanny ability to make anyone around her fell better when they're upset, and its hard to stay mad at her. She's younger than the other Brights by about six months, although she still has more power than Aquarius, and has a soft spot for anything cute and soft. The one time she gets angry is when someone is unkind or insensitive to her friends, where she complains loudly and wines like a little baby.

Aikari is closest to Tia (Sailor Sagittarius), the eldest Bright, who treats her like her little sister. The two of them can be practically inseparable, and Tia is the only one allowed to call her 'Aika'. They share a love of animals and the outdoors. Aikari doesn't have problems with anyone on the team, due to her accepting nature.

Capricorn's Horn is useful both in attack and defense. If she doesn't paralyze the other Zodiacs, they can attack while the enemies can't move. When she needs help, they are the ones who answer to her call.

Capricorn was trained by Sailor Aries, who tried to put up with her ditzy-ness but just couldn't handle it.
Quotes: I really am working on it!
Pictures of Aikari/Sailor Capricorn
Gemini Star: Capricorn Edit
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