Contest #2 - The Missing Stars
It�s a create-your-own-Star-Senshi contest, for a special side-chapter including said character!

1) First, open your notepad or other simple word program, and copy and paste
this form. Please fill out EVERYTHING, and e-mail it to me at [email protected].
2) Include a picture of your Senshi, in full fuku. If you can do a full body, that�d be great.
3) Doesn�t have to be the same kind of conventional stuff as mine. You can have different fuku styles (like the Centauri Senshi) different skin tones, whatever you want. Hell, I�ll take guy Senshi too, if you can come up with a really good one!
4) Can be done with any stars/constellations you can think of. The only ones that are not allowed are those that are already taken�The eight Zodiac signs I�ve used, Orion, Cyprus, Andromeda, Cassiopeia and the three Centauris. I�m also ruling out Sailor Sirius entries�I have quite a bit of respect for the creator of that site, and I�d rather not invasion any others�
5) Although the remaining three Zodiacs are allowed�that is, Pieces, Scorpio and Leo� you must include where the hell they�ve been and how they got their rings without Cyprus giving it to them. Although, the bird�s memory loss is helpful on stuff like that. But also, I�ll be grading these a bit harsher than the others�and they MUST have the same fuku designs as the others, although wither they�re torn (Darks) or all in one piece (Brights) is up to you.
6) Group entries are allowed, but the resulting prizes will exclude heavily-detailed pictures. If you get 2nd or 3rd place, the pictures will not be as detailed as single-person shots. 1st place will only be the resulting side-story.
Deadline: Not Yet Set

1st place - I will write a special side-chapter including your character, as well as creating a special edited picture of said character for you. Also, the bio will be up in the Book of Knowledge.

2nd Place - An edited full-body picture of your character, no shading.

3rd Place - An edited picture of your character, head and shoulders, no shading.

Salmon 2 -  Sailor Piecies, Leo and Scorpio
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