When Selene finally returned to her room at 9:00, the raven was still perched on her bed, carefully preening his feathers. Selene collapsed onto the bed in her night gown, totally exhausted. The bird looked down and cawed. Selene smiled as she reached her hand up once more to stroke it. "I can't believe they make me do that." she sighed, "It's bad enough they have to dress me up like a Barbie doll, but then I had to dance with every guy at that stupid party. I'm so...yawn...tired."

She slid under the covers. The raven cawed again and put his head under his wing. Selene ran her hand through his feathers. "If you're...yawn...going to stay with me, you'll...need...a... name..." but she was asleep as soon as she hit the pillow.

That night she had the most curious dream...

Either a raven had grown or she had shrunk, for she now rode on the back of the bird with great ease. Looking behind her, she saw that they had just flown out of her tower window. They were heading over the forest that surrounded her house, towards the mountains in the far distance.
Suddenly, the raven landed and shook her off. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she found that either she had grown again or the raven had shrunk, for they were now exactly the same height. But she wasn't scared. "Who are you?" she asked.

The bird spread its immense wings and spoke to her, not with a real voice, but more with a telepathic version of it. "I am called Cyprus. I have been sent here to lead you to your destiny."

"What'd you mean, my destiny?" Selene asked, curious.

Cyprus pointed with one of his wings to a small cave. "There." he said, "There is your destiny."

Selene walked in. It wasn't really a cave, more like a small indent in the mountain side. Inside, she found nothing but a sliver ring, floating in a ball of purple light. "Take it." instructed Cyprus, "Put it on."

Selene reached out and grabbed the ring. The light instantly disappeared. Examining it closer, she found that on the small sliver piece atop the ring was an amethyst, a purple gem, shaped like a wiggly Roman numeral 2. The sign of Gemini. "Put it on." Cyprus repeated from the entrance.

Selene slipped the silver ring on. As soon as it touched her finger, something amazing began to happened.

Starting at her feet and working its way strait up, a purple beam of light formed a strange new outfit. First was a pair of black boots, coming halfway up her calf and stopping in a ring of purple. Then a purple skirt, dotted with black stars and with a purple bow in the back, followed by a black leotard-like thing that appeared underneath it all and covered her waist. A large purple bow with a black star in the middle of it appeared on her chest, followed by a purple-dotted-with-black-stars sailor's collar with two black ribbons running along it. On her hands were black gloves, ending at her elbows with a purple ring. A purple choker with a black star was around her neck. A black tiara with a purple gem in the middle was hidden under her purple-and-black bangs.

As Selene marveled her new transformation, something else began to happen. A scythe, with a long curving blade held on a black pole topped with a black star at one end and a purple star at the other. Instinctively, Selene reached out and grasped it.

A smile reflected in Cyprus�s eyes as she stepped out. "How do you feel?"

Selene shook her head. "I don't understand." she said finally.

Cyprus spread his wings. "Two thousand years ago, there was a kingdom on the moon called Silver Millennium. There were a group of female soldiers stationed there, the Sailor Scouts. But you, as a special scout, were posted far away in the Gemini Star Sector or constellation as it is now known. Now you have been reawakened to serve love and justice. For you are, Sailor Gemini. The Zodiac Scout of Death."

A strange feeling came over Selene when she heard the title. "Why am I here?" she asked.
The immense raven shook his head. "I do not know." he said, "But I can tell you this. Soon, you will need help. And you will find it."

With a flap of his great wings, the raven took to the air. "Wait!" Selene cried, "Are you the raven? My friend?"

He nodded. "Though I am only able to speak here, in dreams, I will always be there to guide you."

Sunlight filtered in through the window. Selene's room smelled of the sweat flowers that grew outside her window. She sat up. "A dream?" she asked, "Just...a dream?"

The raven beside her cawed with anticipation. Selene looked down at her hand to find the ring, calmly set on the middle finger of her right hand. She reached out and stroked the bird behind her. "Thank you...Cyprus."

~ * ~ * ~

So begins the adventures of Sailor Gemini, the Zodiac Scout of Death.\

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