Selene didn�t want to have anything to do here, so she just stood there, sulking. But neither her mother, nor the two others seamed to notice. Drake clicked exuberantly away with the camera, while Maxine flashed the bulbs wildly.

�That�s it, beautiful, you�re doing great!� Drake rooted as he snapped photo after photo. �The camera loves you! It�s taken back by you! The camera is your new boyfriend!�

��The camera is your new boyfriend?�� Selene rolled her eyes in disgust. �What a dork.�

Suddenly, her mother let out a terrified shriek. �Get that animal out of here!!�

Diving through the window came a jet-black raven with dark, dark eyes. Selene recognized him instantly and pulled off the white glove from her right hand. �Cyprus! Here!�

The raven swooped down to her and landed gracefully on her shoulder, rubbing up against her cheek.
�I couldn�t take it anymore. This doesn�t fit you at all.�

�Thanks.� Selene whispered to him, stroking his feathers.

�Selene!� her mother shrieked, waving her purse around. �Get rid of that retched thing this instant!�

�No, mom!� Selene exclaimed.

The mother sighed. �If you want a pet, we can get you a pretty bird, like a parrot or something.� she groaned, exasperated. �But that�that crow is just��

�Crow?!� Cyprus exclaimed, bristling angrily and cawing in his bird voice. �Don�t insult me, madam! Crow, indeed!�

�Quiet, Cyprus.� Selene hissed. She suddenly lunged forward and snatched the camera out of Drake�s hands. With all the force she could muster, she hurled the equipment across the room, smashing its case open on the stone wall.

�Selene!� Celesta cried, but the daughter had already taken off out the door, snatching up the bag that contained her real clothes as she did.

Ten minutes later, the designer outfit was sitting in the bottom of a dumpster, along with the remains of a half-eaten corndog and somebody�s garbage. Selene, back in her regular clothes, slipped on a pair of silver-rimmed, purple-tinted sunglasses and gracefully started out of the alley and back down the street.

Cyprus looked up at the sun, which was setting in the distance, then looked over at Selene.
�We should go home, Selene.� he noted. �It�s getting late. We�re going the wrong way!�

�I know that, Cyprus.� Selene muttered. �I�m not going home tonight. I�m gonna make mom worry about me.�

With that, she started off down the street.

It wasn�t long afterwards that it started to pour down rain and in a few minutes the two were soaking wet. Selene stumbled through the streets, looking for a box or something to hide in until the rain passed.

�Yes, this is certainly brilliant.� Cyprus muttered sarcastically.

�Oh, shut up.� Selene mumbled She stumbled into what felt like another body somewhere in the dark. �Sorry��

��Sorry� don�t cut it, missy.� the figured hissed, grabbing her by the shoulder. His black leather jacket and greasy hair cut labeled him as a definite street punk.

More them started to appear, apparently from the same gang. �Hey, look at the duds, boss.� one of them sneered, pulling at the back of her shirt. �This dame�s from the classy part a� town.�

�Quite a looker, too.� one of the gave a low whistle. �Maybe we should have a little fun, eh?�

�Maybe we should.� the first on laughed, reaching for the collar of Selene�s shirt. �How �bout showin� us some goods, eh doll face?�

�LIKE HECK!� Selene punched the pervert right in the nose, probably breaking it and knocking him back.

The others rounded on her. �Why you little�� one of them growled, grabbing her wrist. She kicked him lower than the belt and ran for it, but another one grabbed her by the hair.

�You�ll pay for that, kid.� he yanked her back, then sudden released with a cry of pain. Cyprus was clawing at the boy�s eyes with his talons and pecking with his beak. �Get �em off me! Get �em off me!�

Another one of them grabbed Cyprus around the neck and threw him into the building beside the alley. Selene spun around, knocking one of the goons senseless. �Cyprus!� she exclaimed, diving to scoop him up. �Are you okay?�

�I�m sorry�� he whispered mentally. �I was only trying to help��

�It�s okay, my friend.� Selene muttered, climbing to her feet. A quick head count revealed that there were about a dozen of them, versus one of her. She tensed her mussels for a fight, but was mentally saying her prayers. She didn�t stand a chance.
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