Sailor Gemini
"Even the moon has a dark side. And that is I, Sailor Gemini, Zodiac Scout of Death, here to lead you to the grave."
Real Name: Selene Kinsei
Nicknames: None that a really friendly. �Moony� behind her back.
Age: 14
Birthplace: Athens, Grease (her mother was there on a trip)
School: Sukiyaki Middle (Class 8B)
Height: 5' 10''
Fav Food: Garlic Bread and an addiction to peanut butter M&M�s
Least Fav Food: Lettuce
Fav Gemstone: Onyx
Fav Class: English
Least Fav Class: Music
Fav Colors: Black, purple
Least Fav Colors: Orange, white
Likes: Birds, Books, Weird Quotes
Dislikes: Crowds, Dresses
Strengths: Unpredictable, Emotionally Stable
Weaknesses: Unpredictable (works both ways), Unsure of alliances, Defense sucks
Hobbies: Writing, Collecting quotes in notebooks
Dream: Novelist, and write a best-seller
Visible Weapon: Shadow Scythe
Element: Death (Based on the myth about the two twins that became the Gemini system. One was mortal and the other was immortal, but they loved each other so dearly that they shared the immortality. They spent half a year together in the underworld, and the other half together on Olympus)
Gemini Star Power!
Selene says this to transform into Sailor Gemini.

Shadow Scythe!
Gemini lifts the Scythe over her head and shouts the name of the attack. The blade glows with black light. She swings it down and fires the blade of light, which slices through the enemy for maximum damage.

Gemini Twins!
Gemini simply splits into two people, both with a scythe for double damage. Good for quick maneuvers. Only lasts for about one attack, then the two twins must re-join. Can only be used once per battle.

Darkness Blade!
Sailor Gemini's ultimate attack. When she says the name, her eyes go dark and the whole area gets still a death. She grips the blade and both of them are surrounded by a dark aura, while the scythe glows black. She suddenly rushes forward and plunges the blade into her victim�s body, killing them instantly. No one has ever survived. For use in extreme emergencies ONLY!
Selene�s personality is hard to pen-point, very mercurial. While she�s usually pretty easy-going, she can be very cold to people she doesn�t know, and downright rude to her mother. She changes her feelings quickly, sometimes on a whim. A good example is when she first met Cassie: at first she was very snappish and upset after being teased, but as soon as she found out about her fellow Senshi�s true identity, she is willing to offer friendship and help. She can�t stand excessive noise, particularly while trying to think or write, and can easily get distracted from her real work by something completely unrelated.

As her sailor powers grow she begins to sense a�a disturbance, a dark force, deep within her that she has to control. Sometimes, especially when she�s tired, she loses control and the darkness takes over. If it goes far enough she transforms into a second form, know as Polydeuces, whom then precedes to cause havoc with uncontrolled psychic abilities until the other Senshi manage to sedate her.

Selene�s mother, Celesta, is a model and determined to make her daughter into one as well. Selene�s father was once a big businessman, but left his company and his family for a rather scandalous affair when the girl was 8 and never came back. Her step-father, Miroku Aregeto, is an anthropologist, filling the library with books of world religion. Her step-sister, Kristy, is Sailor Aquarius, very smart and understanding.

When it comes to the other Senshi, she tends to be closest to Cassie (Sailor Libra). When they first met, Cassie was one of the kids making fun of Selene behind her back, which lead to a bit of a shouting match. But after all the mess was sorted out, Cassie became kind of grateful to Selene for getting her mother the job, and Selene admires Cassie�s honor code�the one she follows for karate and works into her everyday life. Selene is also close to her stepsister, Kristy (Sailor Aquarius). The two enjoy many of the same things, like old stories, but as neither is very expressive they may keep too many secrets from each other. Though she tries to keep peace, Tia (Sailor Sagittarius) makes that close to impossible. Tia�s rather jealous of, because even though Sagittarius is stronger and was discovered earlier, Gemini still wound up being the leader. Selene is very close to her guardian, Cyprus, and genuinely considers him one of the dearest people in her life. Cyprus, however, wants a little more�

Easily the greatest obstacle Selene has to over-come is Orion, also known as Ori, an exchange student into their school. Selene was in love with Orion in their past lives, and her feelings resurface, much to her confusion, when he reappears. However, Orion works for the Black Stars, and is trying to seduce her to let her guard down, which she realizes too late.

Selene's Sailor past is a mystery, like all the other Brights. They remembered her as the leader, and thus she was on the moon, and on Earth now. The five were found unconscious on the moon, in a large crater, by inhabitants of the Silver Millennium. They looked to be about 10 years old at this point. Once revived, they remember nothing but names and ranks, as well as the occasional fuzzy, disturbing dreams. They were recruited into the Silver Millennium�s defenses, later to fall in battle and be reborn on Earth. On the moon, she and the others began to think of Queen Serenity as their �mother� figure. Selene, as the leader, took her training for the future duty of protecting the Silver Millennium very seriously, determined not to let the Queen or the Princess down. Her Shadow Scythe, the weapon of Gemini, is the most powerful instrument of death after Saturn's Silence Glaive. It comes naturally to her, slashing easily through enemies, but it isn�t meant for a defensive weapon, and without it she�s helpless.

No one knows who Gemini's trainer was. It's a complete mystery.
�I've never seen a bird that looked more like me�You�ll wait for me, won�t you boy?� - Ch. 1

�It�s�orange! I hate orange!� - Ch. 2
Pictures of Gemini
From: Sailor Dusk
Gemini as Polyduces
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