Sailor Libra
"The Balance between good and evil has been disturbed! I, Sailor Libra, Zodiac Scout of the eternal balance, am here to tip back the scales!"
Real Name: Cassandra Tokimono
Nickname: Cassie
Age: 15
Birthplace: Just outside Tokyo, Japan
School: Sukiyaki Middle (Class 8A, started school late)
Height: 5' 6''
Fav Food: Hamachi
Least Fav Food: Fugi
Fav Gemstone: Topaz
Fav Class: Science
Least Fav Class: Grammar
Likes: Karate, her mother, anime
Dislikes: Sailor Sagittarius, Feeling helpless
Strengths: Hand-to-hand combat, Loyal
Weaknesses: Suspicious, Snide
Hobbies: Karate, collecting Doushinji, fighting with Tia
Dream: To become a master in Karate
Visible Weapon: Balance Scales
Element: Balance
Libra Star Power!
Cassie says this to transform into Sailor Libra.

Libra Beam Blaster!
Sailor Libra's main attack. The bowls of her scales begin to glow gold. When she shouts the 'Blaster' part, a beam of energy bursts forth apon her opponent.

Balancing Magic!
With this, everything and everyone around Libra slows almost to a stop. One side of the scales representing on thing, and the other the opposite, she will slowly drop gold weights into the choice side. The only things she cannot change using this is Light/Darkness, Scouts/Villains, and the energy of the outcome of the match.
Among friends, Cassie is loyal and genuinely trustworthy, but it�s hard to get to know her like that. She�s often quick to judge people she doesn�t know well, snide, and untrusting. It�s easy for her to label someone with one glance, or by speculation, and it isn�t easy for her to get to know someone unless they have someone in common. The one thing she really enjoys is a good fight, it gives her a kind of gratification. She also loses her temper easily, and will charge into battle without much plans. If it seams like she�s the underdog she�ll grumbled about it, but the honor code she sets for herself won�t let her back down.

Cassie�s father has been dead for years. She and her out-of-work mother, Mariko lived in the not-too-nice side of town, at least until she met Selene. Now they live in the servant�s courtiers in the Kinsei mansion, the mother as a cook and Cassie doing a bit of cleaning to help out after school.
When it comes to the others, Cassie is closet to Selene/Sailor Gemini. They didn�t get along at first, Cassie was one of the kids who picked on Selene behind her back. Cassie thought she was stuck-up and obnoxious, like her mother, but when she found out who she really was they became close. Cassie�s kind of grateful to Selene for getting her mother a job, her only problem with the other girl is that she rarely stands up for herself. The only member of the team Cassie doesn�t really like is Tia/Sailor Sagittarius, who�s a bit jealous of Selene. Since she refuses to do anything, Cassie regularly stands up for her against Tia, which usually breaks out into an all-out screaming match.

Libra's past, like the rest of the Brights, is a mystery, at least to a point. The five were found unconscious on the moon, in a large crater, by inhabitants of the Silver Millennium. They looked to be about 10 years old at this point. Once revived, they remember nothing but names and ranks, as well as the occasional fuzzy, disturbing dreams. They were recruited into the Silver Millennium�s defenses, later to fall in battle and be reborn on Earth. Her weapon, the Balance Scales, can control the balance of things in nature during their battles. Carried on a long chain, not only is it useful for attack but can be defensive if needed be.

Libra was trained by Sailor Taurus, Scout of Power, making Libra a ruthless fighter against her foes, but loyal to her companions.
Quotes: Looking for some interesing ones...
Pictures of Sailor Libra/Cassie Tokimono
Gemini Star: Libra Edit 1
By: Koushu (I really hope I spelled that right)
By: Sailor Dusk
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