"I, Orion, Prince of the Darkest Nights, wil bring down the Sailor Zodiacs...at any cost."
Orion, the Prince of the Darkest Nights, is one of the most powerful Black Star Warriors. But he had quite a different past, before being brought to the side of evil.

Orion was originally an orphaned young hunter on Planet Earth. One day, out in the woods, he stumbled apon a wounded, unconscious girl just about his age (13 at the time) Seeing she was hurt, he took her home and took care of her until she was fully healed. The girl was, in fact, Sailor Gemini, who had been wounded in a space training battle (meter storm blew in...long story) and fell to Earth, where the others couldn't find her. When she awoke, Orion was the first thing she saw, and she fell in love instantly. The others found her about a month later and took her home, Earth-Moon relationships being forbidden, but she still thought about him. It would be two years before they saw each other again. In that time Orion joined an anti-moon terrorist group known as the Black Stars, and soon rose to a high rank. The Black Star�s actions preceded the attack by the Negaverse, including bombings of major buildings within the Silver Millennium. The 5 Zodiac Senshi were assigned to protect the Moon and eliminate the Black Stars, but problems arose once Gemini faced Orion. By the time they faced of an she realized who he was, the young hunter was in a rage. At least fifty men working for him had died against the Zodiacs, and the fifteen under Gemini�s scythe included his best friend. Despite personal feelings, Gemini was forced to destroy him, then killed herself in horror. They were re-incarnated on Earth, Orion earlier than her, where she was found by Cyprus and he by Lord Daricon.

Physically, Orion is about 18 years old, but spells can play tricks on people. Using one of his master�s illusions, he hides as a 14 year old student by the name of Ori, and transfers to Sukiyaki Jr. High, into Selene and Kristy�s class. He then sets his sights on Selene, asking and taking her out, luring her away from the others, trying to get her off-guard for a final blow.

Orion is royal and dignified most of the time, but it�s only on the outside. His manners and kindness are just an act, never trust it. He�s actually a back-stabber, fueled by rage, desperate only to get his goal. It�s doubtful if he could ever love truly now that he believes he�s been betrayed. He does flirt with Andromeda sometimes, when she�s trying to get his attention or when he wants something from her, but they�re not a couple.

Orion is armed with a unique style of martial arts, a combination of aikido, karate and judo. But his most powerful weapons are his psychic abilities �given� to him by Daricon. With them he can manipulate the energies of certain earth-bound substances, like water or wind. As such, he can turn the Zodiac�s attacks against them in the worst cases, all but Gemini�s, since death is not earth-bound, and Capricorn�s, since sincerity often breaks through the toughest barriers.
Pictures of Orion
With many, many thanks to
Sailor Dusk
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