Sailor Sagittarius
"Mistress of the Hunt and rular of the woods, I, Sailor Sagittarius, Zodiac Scout of Protection, am here to defend this planet."
Real Name: Tia Carikana
Nicknames: Well�Aikari calls her Nee-san
Age: 16
Birthplace: The woods outside Tokyo
School: Home-schooled
Height: 5' 11"
Fav Food: Carrots
Least Fav Food: Anything with meat
Fav Gemstone: Emerald
Fav Class: P.E.
Least Fav Class: Math
Fav Color: Green
Least Fav Colors: Purple, pink
Likes: Animals, Fortune Telling, Green Tea
Dislikes: Sailor Gemini
Strengths: Pure strength, Confident, Loyal
Weaknesses: Pride, Lacking in speed
Hobbies: Tarot Cards and Dancing
Dream: Veterinarian
Visible Weapon: Hunter's Bow and Arrows
Element: Wood
Sagittarius Star Power!
Tia says this to transform into Sailor Sagittarius.

Golden Arrow!

Sagittarius focuses all her energy on an arrow she has placed on the bow. The arrow glows gold with her power and she fires it at her opponent for maximum damage. (Attack based on the old story of Robin Hood winning a golden arrow in a competition)

Bow of the Moon...Protection!

This is a speacial shield. She holds out the bow so that it's lying on its side. It widens and spreads backwards as far as she wants, to cover herself and her allies. This is a useful form of protection, as it is almost impossible to break through.

Apollo's Arrow!
This can be used in 2 ways. First, she can use the glowing arrow as an attack and fire it at the opponent, as her ultimate weapon. Or, she could take the arrow out separately and plunge it into a friend's wound, healing them mentally and physically. To activate it, she has to say: "My father, the god Apollo, master of the hunt, hear my call! Heal my friends and defeat my enemies with your holy arrow!"
(NOTE: I am aware that Apollo was not technically a hunter god. But he did enjoy the hunt, and his arrows did have healing powers.)
Tia has all the rage and power of the Greek goddess Artimes. One way or another, she got her powers about a year before the others did, when she found the dropped Sagittarius Star transformation ring on the ground. Cyprus vaguely remembers dropping it, but doesn't remember much before running head-long into a branch he didn't notice. Tia is the eldest Zodiac by exactly three months, two weeks and three days.

Tia is strong-willed and uncontrolled. Her temper is worse than Libra�s, and her jealousy is even more fiery. She�s one fighter you don�t want for an enemy. However, once you gain her trust, she is extremely loyal, even if she doesn�t like you much. She loves all kinds of animals, and has an almost Native American respect for them. She also likes telling the future with her Tarot cards. Pet peeves include people who tap their feet and when she can�t find anything vegetarian on the menu of a restaurant.

Tia and her father live in a small cabin out in the woods. However, Tia is often left alone, her father being a busy photographer who travels around the world on a regular basis. She gets postcards from him all the time, but she rarely sees him.

When it comes to the other Zodiacs, Tia tends to be closest to the bumbling youngest, Aikari (Sailor Capricorn), who, though being a ditz, has a way to be liked by just about everyone she meets. The two share a love of the out doors, although Aikari eats meat, while Tia is strictly vegetarian. Tia calls her Aika-chan, while Aikari calls her Nee-san, as in �older sister�. The one Zodiac member Tia really doesn't like is Selene (Sailor Gemini) because she wound up being the leader and the only one stronger than Sagittarius.

Sagittarius's bow and arrows of the Hunter are some of the most powerful weapons in the Zodiac line. With the powers both to destroy and to heal, these are quite useful in their fight.

Sagittarius was trained by Sailor Virgo, leader of the Darks, making her the most powerful of the Bright Zodiacs.
Quotes: I'm working on it...
Pictures of Sagittarius/ Tia Carnikana
Gemini Star: Sagittarius Edit
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