Sailor Taurus
"With the strength and power of the mighty bull, I, Sailor Taurus, Zodiac Scout of Power, will run you through with my might!"
Real Name: Akane Hitani
Nickname: None
Age: True age indefinable, physically 19
Birthplace: Aldebaran B
School: None
Height: 5�11�
Fav Food: Hamburgers
Least Fav Food: Anything green
Fav Gemstone: Onyx
Fav Class: P.E.
Least Fav Class: Everything Else
Fav Color: Dark Purple
Least Fav Color: White
Likes: Fighting, Yelling
Dislikes: Sailor Cancer
Strengths: Stubborn, Raw Power
Weaknesses: Stubborn (works both ways), Conniving
Hobbies: Picking fights
Dream: To become the greatest fighter ever
Visible Weapon: Staff of Power
Taurus Star Power!
Akane says this to transform into Sailor Taurus.

Raging Bull Blaster!
Taurus flings her hands out and focuses all her energy between them. It forms a purple bull which blasts out at her enemies, causing destruction and chaos in its wake.

Power of the Staff...Binding!
Taurus gathers all her energy in the ball on top of her staff and flings it at her opponent. When it hits, it wraps around them and shocks them with 10,000 volts of pure electricity.

Lighting Rod...Power Shower!

Her ultimate attack. She raises the staff into the air as dark purple clouds gather around her. Lighting zips out from the clouds and builds up on the ball of the staff. She brings the staff rushing down, firing a ball of purple lightening energy at her opponent for maximum damage.
Akane is just as mean and nasty as Mien/Sailor Aries. The only main difference between the two is that Akane is majorly stubborn, but she thinks things out and plans. She and Mien run around during the time the hide on Earth and just basically cause trouble. We expect them to be arrested any day now. Mien also connives to over-throw Virgo and make Aries the leader in her place, which would naturally put the whole team into a state of chaos.

Akane is just naturally closest to Mien, her partner in crime. She hates the Bright Zodiacs but absolutely, totally and completely despises Lana/Sailor Cancer. When she finds out that Lana supports the Brights, she tries to kill her.

Taurus is the youngest of the Dark Zodiacs, who now work for the Black Stars. Originally, there were 12 Zodiac scouts, all working together as a group under instructions from one large, mysterious book, even they didn�t know much about. Virgo, the eldest, acted as active leader. She and the other three Darks were training the youngest five�the Brights, all physically 10-12 years old at the time�to replace the five retired (read: dead) Senshi. At least until the Zodiac Wars began.

No one really knows what happened during that time period, or just what caused the war, or even who the hell fought in it, but it ended with most of the Star-Senshi (Senshi in protection of whole Star-Systems) dead, and many of their underlings (those who protected the planets around said star) either dead or in cases of extreme turmoil. Naturally, the strongest team of the Star-Senshi were the 12 Zodiacs. The number dropped to 7 when the 5 youngest ones, who hadn�t completed their masteries yet, were sent to a planet far out of range that was �safe�. Those left began to war against whatever the hell it was they were warring against. But three of their own were killed, and the other four frozen in the ice of Chiron for centuries.

The four were revived by Lord Daricon, leader of the Black Stars. He showed them that their students had worked against them to aid the Silver Millennium. Since they were found frozen on her moon, it was a safe bet to say that Pluto, who guarded the moon kingdom from afar, had imprisoned them, bet wither this is true or not is unknown. But the Darks turned against their own students and now are determined to destroy them. Taurus is eager for this, she felt put-upon when she had to train a �winy little brat� and would be glad to have her out of her hair.

Taurus's weapon is a staff that focuses all her power. It's also quite useful for striking people over the head.

Taurus is the trainer of Sailor Libra, but the student exceeds the master in deed of humility.
Pictures of Aika/Sailor Taurus
By the wonderful Lady Sachiko!
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