Sailor Virgo
"Against the Traitors, my plants know no limits. I, Sailor Virgo, Zodiac Scout of Prosperity, am here to plant my garden.
Real Name: Sora Mikatoni
Nicknames: �Plant Princess� (Only Aries)
Age: physically: 22, true age: un-definable
Birthplace: Spica A
School: KC University (Biology Major)
Height: 6'
Fav Food: Milk
Least Fav Food: Eggs
Fav Gemstone: Topaz
Fav Class: Biology
Least Fav Class: English
Fav Color: Orange
Least Fav Color: Blue
Likes: Flowers, Spring-scented anything, Scented candles
Dislikes: Fire, Weeds, Small Children
Strengths: Powerful, Intelligent
Weakness: Pride
Hobbies: Gardening, Singing
Dream: To grow the universe's best garden
Visible Weapon: Seed Satchel
Element: Prosperity
Virgo Star Power!
Sora says this to transform into Sailor Virgo.

Virgo Snapping Vines!
Virgo thrusts out her hands, calling the name of the attack. From her fingers sprout vines of orange energy, which whip out and strike at her victem, causing damage.

Power Sucking Leach!
Virgo takes some seeds out of her pouch and throws them onto her victem, shouting the name of the attack. Vines imediatly sprout from the seeds, wrapping around the victem and slowly draining thier energy. Can be used in combo with the Vine Growth, below.

Growing Vines...Strangle!
She flings the seeds from her satchel onto the ground, calling the name of the attack. For a moment, nothing happenes, but then the seeds sprout suddenly into huge vines, which lash out at the victem and tie them so they can't move or fight, and slowly strangle them. Can also leach thier energy out and give it to Virgo, when used in combination with Power Sucking Leach, above.
Sora, as a human, is strong-willed, intelligent, and demanding. You wouldn't want to get on her bad side, let me tell you. Hiding on Earth, she majors in her favored subject, biology. She collects scented candles and often burns them in her room, so that people with breathing problems sometimes have a hard time in there. Her temper isn�t raised easily, but if it is fired up, you probably deserved it and will get hurt. She has no known family, and her only �acquaintances� (she refuses to refer to them as �friends�) are the other Darks.

When it comes to the other Zodiacs, Sora tends to be closest to Mien/Sailor Aries, her second-in command, and second strongest of the Darks, but it�s only a formality. Virgo has no friends but her plants, although Cancer has been getting closer to her lately. But her only true enemies at the moment are the Bright Zodiacs.

Virgo is the leader of the Dark Zodiacs, who now work for the Black Stars. Originally, there were 12 Zodiac scouts, all working together as a group under instructions from one large, mysterious book, even they didn�t know much about. Virgo, the eldest, acted as active leader. She and the other three Darks were training the youngest five�the Brights, all physically 10-12 years old at the time�to replace the five retired (read: dead) Senshi. At least until the Zodiac Wars began.

No one really knows what happened during that time period, or just what caused the war, or even who the hell fought in it, but it ended with most of the Star-Senshi (Senshi in protection of whole Star-Systems) dead, and many of their underlings (those who protected the planets around said star) either dead or in cases of extreme turmoil. Naturally, the strongest team of the Star-Senshi were the 12 Zodiacs. The number dropped to 7 when the 5 youngest ones, who hadn�t completed their masteries yet, were sent to a planet far out of range that was �safe�. But three of their own were killed, and the other four frozen in the ice of Chiron for centuries.

They were revived by Lord Daricon, leader of the Black Stars. He showed them that their students had worked against them to aid the Silver Millennium. Since they were found frozen on her moon, it was a safe bet to say that Pluto, who guarded the moon, had imprisoned them, bet wither this is true or not is unknown. But the Darks turned against their own students and now are determined to destroy them.

Virgo's Satchel holds the Seeds that give her the power for most of her attacks. These will grow and wrap instantly at Virgo's single word of command, and listen to her and only her.

Virgo is the trainer of Sailor Sagittarius, whom inherited the skills of the strongest of the Darks.
Pictures of Sora/Sailor Virgo
Thank you, Lady Sachiko!
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