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The History of Beels Part I an autobiography

I first started Beels about a week after release. I had originally played on Kayan's account and I liked the game a lot so I bought my own.

Kayan quickly outleveled me, he was level 5 when I started Beels. By the time I was 9 he was 19. We made some phat blackburrow trains together ^_^

At level 9 I would meet a lame little paladin named Siroot while I was in freeport. He wielded a newbie little whip and kept talking about how badass plate was.

Once I reached level 12 I fell down the well for 10k damage. When I consented Trey to go down and loot my corpse (he was level 21 or so I think) he died and my corpse poofed :P

This didn't stop me from playing Beels much though, I pulled my rusty halbred out of the bank and headed to befallen! Where I found a nice Half-Elf paladin named... god what was his name... :/ I'll find out later and add it... but anyway, he was a twink with a BBC and a bloodstained tunic who had previously played a level 20 bard with a really lame name, he began to rant and whine about how he deleted his bard hoping to recreate his paladin with the same name and complained about Vyrinna being a terrible GM. I got annoyed very quickly and began casting spook undead on everything he attacked at which point they'd run down to the third floor and drag nice big trains up for him! I'm too nice... anyway...

After Kayan gave me a Bone Bladed Claymore so I could continue playing Beels more seriously I road the boat to the elusive elf island! Faydwer! Where I promptly died to falling damage by falling through the lift. This happens a lot on slow computers. (thx pentium 133 and 33.6 modem!)

I grouped with Vitor until around level 15, by the time I hit level 19 he was level 35. Thx pre-DOT nerf kiting!

When I hit level 20 I saw Kremaytu at the bank, he had the only blackened iron bastard sword on the server. I drooled at the thought of a 16 damage weapon! (back when it was only 16...) He wore full blackened iron and a BIBS. I modeled my character after him :P Made my way to Runnyeye and began farming blackened iron armor!

For some reason I made a lot of paladin friends, namly Aatommy and Tenchi (who was later banned for putting some obsceneties in his info about Vyrinna.) Aatommy was this hideous paladin in full bronze with an SBH. Unlike me, I was sexy in full blackened Iron with a Bone bladed claymore *_* We tried to duo gix who was green to both of us at level 20 yet we both got so owned and had to zone into Befallen where Tenchi was doing the usual - Farming barbed arms.

During level 20 I was playing my n00b little enchanter named Class in Misty Thicket when big bad Vyrinna ported and changed my name to "Cless" at which point I met Narak! I learned that Narak was Mugaaz' brother, he had a serious hatred for Vyrinna and said he cussed her out for changing his name once...

When I hit level 21 I made my way back to crushbone where I promptly saw a nice little bearded lady getting her ass beat down by an orc pawn. I healed her because I'm nice like that. Then I fell over and died when I smelled her bad breath She kept calling me the "Barbarian in black." FYI, I am not a barbarian...

After months of getting KS'd from in Najena I finally looted jboots off of Drelzna's corpse while grouped with Goldius and Doomweasle. Goldius was originally supposed to be up in the loot order but she gated and I was next on the list. List loot = l33t.

By this time my pal Siroot had his name changed by Vyrinna to the abomination that would now be known as "Ootz." Ootz would become a power leveling, power farming, whore.

Later, at level 24 while trying to obtain the elusive blackened Iron crown I would find out that the newbie hideous dorf I encountered several levels ago was an short haired man who looked like he'd be named "butch" when infact he was actually named "Saerli." Later I would discover that "he" is actually a "she" just very masculine for a female...

At level 30 Narak would stop being my friend over a dispute about the newly implemented Brooms that were dropping in Cazic. (Don't ask ^_^)

At level 30 I was killing Dervs in West Commons for kicks when I saw a wandering Half Elf paladin around level 11 come by wearing full steel plate. I buffed him and he told me about his wizard... Dalahamar... Dalahamar owned. He had a strong hatred for a magician named Rauzzy in Crimson Sky. Dalahamar helped me get a lot of equipment for myself, he and Saerli were my only 2 friends that played casting classes, in comparrison to my 190283091823908123 friends who played paladins.

Dalahamar was better known for constantly power leveling Siroot's new necromancer, Ootzy (who would later be constantly known as "Lootzy.") After Dalahamar got fed up with his crap he stopped playing with Ootzy and when I once asked Ootzy about Dalahamar he said (and I quote), "I don't talk to Dalahamar anymore, he scares me ."

After a few weeks of kiting with Saerli, getting piss drunk in the freeport bar off of Ogre Swill, and farming spectres with her and Allan; Saerli married Gorfan!

Enter the Gorfan era...

Gorfan was this hideous Paladin who looked like he had recently pulled his head out of a monkey's ass. He reminded me a lot of the priest of discord except with a trash can over his head.

After I left Pak'Cafan I attempted to join Aegis Terra with Gorfan and Saerli, after I created one of the largest trains that Cazic Thule would ever see during an Aegis Terra raid I considdered my application rejected! Although Myria took half the blame I still felt like a dumbass.

After reaching level 35ish, I saw the laggiest fucking raid I would ever see until Gual's nagafen raid - the 99' Halloween event in High Keep. I got to see about 3 seconds of it between my 7 minute zonings and LD's, grats to Arbaal who got his phat sword from a guildmate that day, this is where Arbaal would begin to spiral up into el33tness.

At this point I tried to keep up with Arbaal in terms of levels, I duo'd assassin for exp until level 40 with Kamok where I got my Guise of the Deciever.

At level 40 Gorfan introduced me to his good friend, Cherrish. She was a flirting dark elf with a nice ass. We would remain friends until a TBB dispute at which point Vekril would place me on his ignore list and call me a moron in shout every time I entered the same zone as him!

At level 41 I stopped talking to Saerli and she stopped talking to me, Gorfan and her divorced at which point he began auctioning "wtb another wife."

Gorfan was an odd fellow, after moping around for weeks constantly whining to me about how he missed Saerli and how she never talked to him he developed a strong hatred for her.


to be continued

See what divorce does to kids? -Sae
Goofan shouts, SCORE!
Miriya takes lessons
Brumil-n-Syrith 4-EVA
Borgh gets sassy
Saerli = yank slut
Banzeye reveals his lil ogre
Mouth of Vekril
Xyltan am fek skeered
Alerik shouts, Thuper!
Razfat staggers x100
Bixie Frax0r
Zzspriali Bee
Agoober train
Ariesto the puppy frikker
Did I say that..? :O
Kaar Baar Stare! ..!.. o.0 ..!..
Character pics and mo'~
Sahiiri Di'irl
Whitehawk newbs
Pedro the Pr0n Prirate
Event pics~
Santa Borgh
Santa Banz
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Site born: March 11, 2001
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