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EQ Fredd
I should have made an EQ Marie but by making EQ Fredd it made it easier to laugh at myself instead of crying ;p
Goofan shouts, SCORE!
Miriya takes lessons
Brumil-n-Syrith 4-EVA
Borgh gets sassy
Saerli = yank slut
Banzeye reveals his lil ogre
If your place looks anything like this, YOU NEED TO QUIT !!
Mouth of Vekril
Xyltan am fek skeered
Alerik shouts, Thuper!
Razfat staggers x100
Bixie Frax0r
Zzspriali Bee
Agoober train
Ariesto the puppy frikker
Did I say that..? :O
Kaar Baar Stare! ..!.. o.0 ..!..
Character pics and mo'~
Sahiiri Di'irl
Whitehawk newbs
Pedro the Pr0n Prirate
Event pics~
Santa Borgh
Santa Banz
EQ Fredd is born
[Thu Oct 07 02:26:54 1999] You told elana, 'i need to powerlevel to 5 to get new spells'
[Thu Oct 07 02:27:24 1999] You told elana, 'and you can rezz me.'
[Thu Oct 07 02:27:24 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'I got tears in my eyes '
[Thu Oct 07 02:27:53 1999] You told elana, 'i read on a website that my cousin told me about..said you can rezz me for lots'
[Thu Oct 07 02:28:34 1999] Fredd saved.

[Thu Oct 07 02:29:46 1999] You told borgh, 'borgh is not online at this time.'
[Thu Oct 07 02:30:07 1999] You told Pedronius, 'ok trying borgh again'
[Thu Oct 07 02:30:12 1999] You told borgh, 'can you help me camp this bat one day? i need lots of exp to get new spells'
[Thu Oct 07 02:30:29 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'If he ignores you I'll ask him why he is doing it '
[Thu Oct 07 02:30:40 1999] You told Pedronius, 'i think he is dying =p'
[Thu Oct 07 02:30:49 1999] Pedronius tells you, '=('
[Thu Oct 07 02:30:54 1999] You told Pedronius, 'cause 'Borgh is not online at this time''
[Thu Oct 07 02:30:58 1999] You told Pedronius, 'hehe'
[Thu Oct 07 02:31:24 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'I hurt'
[Thu Oct 07 02:31:27 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'A lot'
[Thu Oct 07 02:31:28 1999] You told Pedronius, '=)'
[Thu Oct 07 02:31:37 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'Thank you, I really needed this'
[Thu Oct 07 02:31:41 1999] You told borgh, '=('
[Thu Oct 07 02:31:47 1999] Borgh tells you, 'hi'
[Thu Oct 07 02:31:49 1999] Borgh tells you, 'whos this'
[Thu Oct 07 02:32:01 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'Soooo close to pissing my pants'
[Thu Oct 07 02:32:10 1999] You told borgh, 'this is Fredd'
[Thu Oct 07 02:32:18 1999] Borgh tells you, 'ok...'
[Thu Oct 07 02:32:28 1999] You told borgh, 'i did a /who all'
[Thu Oct 07 02:32:36 1999] You told Borgh, 'i died =('
[Thu Oct 07 02:32:40 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'We are evil '
[Thu Oct 07 02:32:40 1999] Borgh tells you, ''
[Thu Oct 07 02:32:42 1999] You told Borgh, 'are you a cleric?'
[Thu Oct 07 02:33:01 1999] Borgh tells you, 'wtf ur a level 1 druid in qeynos'
[Thu Oct 07 02:33:09 1999] Borgh tells you, 'i cant do a thing to help you'
[Thu Oct 07 02:33:10 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'HEHEHE'
[Thu Oct 07 02:33:36 1999] You told borgh, 'bats are hard'
[Thu Oct 07 02:35:40 1999] You told Pedronius, 'Borgh was mean to me... go on guildchat and say Fredd was complaining to you that a member of AT was mean to her'
[Thu Oct 07 02:37:31 1999] Pedronius tells you, '" he was being stupid "'
[Thu Oct 07 02:37:56 1999] You told borgh, 'i told on you'
[Thu Oct 07 02:38:06 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'I told him to stop picking on newbs '
[Thu Oct 07 02:38:10 1999] You told Pedronius, 'hehe i should log.. he gonna get pissy =p'
[Thu Oct 07 02:38:11 1999] Borgh tells you, 'hhahaha'
[Thu Oct 07 02:38:17 1999] You told Borgh, 'i did'
[Thu Oct 07 02:38:25 1999] Borgh tells you, 'ya im getting yelled at'
[Thu Oct 07 02:38:27 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'Oh man'
[Thu Oct 07 02:38:33 1999] You told pedronius, 'nm he is laughing.. i gonna screw with his head'
[Thu Oct 07 02:38:37 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'Please'
[Thu Oct 07 02:38:42 1999] You told Pedronius, 'hehe who yelled at him?'
[Thu Oct 07 02:38:43 1999] Fredd saved.
[Thu Oct 07 02:38:48 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'I did'
[Thu Oct 07 02:38:50 1999] You told borgh, 'good'
[Thu Oct 07 02:38:57 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'Told him to stop picking on newbs'
[Thu Oct 07 02:39:00 1999] You told borgh, '=('
[Thu Oct 07 02:39:14 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'I gotta try this sometime '
[Thu Oct 07 02:39:19 1999] Friends currently on EverQuest:
[Thu Oct 07 02:39:46 1999] You told temvariana, 'Tygolia said you could rezz me'
[Thu Oct 07 02:39:56 1999] Temvariana tells you, 'I can't res - I'm a druid'
[Thu Oct 07 02:40:06 1999] You told Temvariana, '=( he lied'
[Thu Oct 07 02:40:13 1999] You told Temvariana, 'yell at him'
[Thu Oct 07 02:40:20 1999] Temvariana tells you, 'he probably didn't lie...he probably got confused =P'
[Thu Oct 07 02:40:25 1999] Temvariana tells you, 'haha - who is this? =P'
[Thu Oct 07 02:40:42 1999] You told Temvariana, 'this is Fredd.'
[Thu Oct 07 02:40:51 1999] Temvariana tells you, 'how'd you meet Tygolia? =D'
[Thu Oct 07 02:40:54 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'Im gonna piss my pants'
[Thu Oct 07 02:40:58 1999] You told Pedronius, 'hahahaha'
[Thu Oct 07 02:41:08 1999] You told temvariana, 'i did a who '
[Thu Oct 07 02:41:11 1999] Temvariana tells you, 'ohhh hehe'
[Thu Oct 07 02:41:19 1999] Temvariana tells you, 'I'm sorry hon.'
[Thu Oct 07 02:41:22 1999] You told temvariana, 'he cant rezz me either =('
[Thu Oct 07 02:41:27 1999] You told Temvariana, 'i die dto that bat'
[Thu Oct 07 02:41:27 1999] Skywise tells you, 'Hello Fredd.'
[Thu Oct 07 02:41:35 1999] You told Skywise, 'hello'
[Thu Oct 07 02:41:36 1999] Skywise tells you, 'Sorry, I am A.F.K. (Away From Keyboard) right now.'
[Thu Oct 07 02:41:43 1999] Players in EverQuest:
[Thu Oct 07 02:41:43 1999] ---------------------------
[Thu Oct 07 02:41:43 1999] [25 Ranger] Skywise (Half Elf) ZONE: qrg
[Thu Oct 07 02:41:43 1999] There is 1 player in EverQuest.
[Thu Oct 07 02:41:57 1999] Skywise tells you, 'Welcome to Surefall Glade.'
[Thu Oct 07 02:42:01 1999] Players on EverQuest:
[Thu Oct 07 02:42:01 1999] ---------------------------
[Thu Oct 07 02:42:01 1999] [7 Ranger] Fromann (Half Elf)
[Thu Oct 07 02:42:01 1999] [25 Ranger] Skywise (Half Elf)
[Thu Oct 07 02:42:01 1999] [1 Druid] Fredd (Half Elf)
[Thu Oct 07 02:42:01 1999] There are 3 players in Surefall Glade.
[Thu Oct 07 02:42:08 1999] You told Skywise, 'Thank you.'
[Thu Oct 07 02:42:47 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'I shou;d make Freddjr'
[Thu Oct 07 02:42:54 1999] You told temvariana, 'yell at him'
[Thu Oct 07 02:42:57 1999] You told Pedronius, 'LOL hahahahhaha'
[Thu Oct 07 02:42:59 1999] Temvariana tells you, 'I just did *giggles*'
[Thu Oct 07 02:43:01 1999] Skywise tells you, 'I'm giving away free buffs if you'd like some.'
[Thu Oct 07 02:43:28 1999] You told Skywise, 'i am just chatting with ppl, thank you though =)'
[Thu Oct 07 02:43:42 1999] You told pedronius, 'I feel bad hehe ppl trying to buff me'
[Thu Oct 07 02:43:47 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'HEHEHE'
[Thu Oct 07 02:43:56 1999] You told Pedronius, 'i look pathetic'
[Thu Oct 07 02:43:59 1999] Skywise tells you, 'No prob. Just noticed you seemed to be new in town. (or the world)'
[Thu Oct 07 02:44:07 1999] You told Skywise, '=)'
[Thu Oct 07 02:44:15 1999] Pedronius tells you, ''
[Thu Oct 07 02:44:26 1999] You told tygolia, 'mean'
[Thu Oct 07 02:44:32 1999] You told tygolia, 'I told on you'
[Thu Oct 07 02:44:49 1999] Tygolia tells you, 'oh?'
[Thu Oct 07 02:44:52 1999] You told borgh, 'you are a shadowknight. bad.'
[Thu Oct 07 02:45:04 1999] You told pedronius, 'ok I have to stop'
[Thu Oct 07 02:45:14 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'Bladder exploding? '
[Thu Oct 07 02:45:14 1999] You told pedronius, 'my head hurts'
[Thu Oct 07 02:45:19 1999] You told Pedronius, 'hahahaha yes'
[Thu Oct 07 02:45:25 1999] You told Pedronius, 'do i have to end log?'
[Thu Oct 07 02:45:34 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'hit /log'
[Thu Oct 07 02:45:38 1999] Pedronius tells you, 'Mail it to me '

[Thu Oct 07 02:45:42 1999] You told Pedronius, 'i will hehe'
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