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Ok, I decided to make a list of my recommended movies. These aren't in any particular order besides the order they popped in my head. Categories may be debateable :P
I own most of these. If you wanna learn more, do a Googlie search yourself ;p

I'll add more as I think about it. If you want to express your agreement go post on my
board. If you want to tell me I have no taste, you can do kiss it.

There's Something About Mary
Meet the Feebles -(Muppets on crack- you gotta get the NR version to truly appreciate how screwed up this movie is). Peter Jackson directed it.
Orgasmo- Matt Stone and Trey Parker. Enough said.
Spaceballs- "I'm surrounded by assholes!"
The Big Lebowski- "DONNIE! You are out of your element!"
Austin Powers (I&II but I was better. The second chick acted like too much of a hoochie-mamma)
National Lampoon Christmas Vacation- "Merry Christmas, Holy Shit. Where's the Tylenol?"
Kentucky Fried Movie- XXXCatholic Highschool girls in trouble!!XXX
Kindergarden Cop- ONLY because of the line "It's not a too-mah"
Ferris Bueller- "Anyone, Anyone?" "Roonie eats it"
Pecker- One of John Waters' mainstream flicks. He's one screwed up dude. Also Did Serial Mom.
Cecil B. Demeted- Another Waters' movie. He did older ones like Pink Flamingoes. I laughed so hard at one, I threw up haha :O
Silent Night Deadly Night - dude no way I can put this under horror. Must be watched with many people with senses of humor.
Mystery Science Theater 3000- ANYTHING they have watched.
BrainCandy- "Did you See, Did you See? The docter and me, did you see?" ok, I am laughing now lol
You've Got Mail- Computer Geeks of the world, unite! Romantic/Comedy
Baseketball -I want to live next door to Trey and Matt. They'd be fun neighbors.
Meet the Parents- "It's just a game Focker!"
Mystery Men- "I am a raging ball of fury!"
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?- Still one of my faves.

Susperia (Artsy Italian flick. Great Soundtrack by the Goblins <Dario Argento, the director's  own band>)
Cemetary Man (I'd put this under comedy but since it was about zombies it goes here :P An Italian flick that had me rolling) There is this one scene with this bus coming around a corner... omg.. tears were streaming down my face lol
The Frighteners- More of a comedy but by one of my favorite directors, Peter Jackson. This is one of his mainstream flicks.
Evil Dead- Army of Darkness Original. Bruce Campbell is Ash. Sam Raimi Directed.
Dead Alive-Senseless Gore. Gotta love it!
The Sixth Sense- I am partial to anything filmed in Philadelphia but this is worth seeing if not buying as well.
The Dark Half- I read the book by Stephen King. The book was better but the movie is worth watching. King always has wierd stuff. Wierd=Gud.
A Nightmare on Elm Street- The movies suck but are good party movies to make fun of with a group.
Army of Darkness- "Hail to the King Baby!" "And this is my BOOM STICK"

Labrynth- David Bowie's pants scared me. Other than that I love it.
The Princess Bride- "Inconceivable!"
The Dark Crystal- I want Fizgig as a pet.
Legend- Beaytiful movie to watch.
The NeverEnding Story I -(II & III blew)- I want a big white doggy dragon to beat up highschool kids too :(
EverAfter- Drew Barrymore plays Cinderella. Not a cheesy fairytale at all.  (still a chickflick though)
Record of Lodoss Wars- My favorite Japanimation series. Deedlit is a hooch and that cleric is obviously crying to get out of the closet.

From Dusk Til Dawn (I only)-
Quintin. That is all.
Fight Clu
b- Manboobz.
Meals on Wheels- old Jackie Chan movie. I like most of his movies.
Charlie's Angels- chick flick but with some T&A for the guys. One of the few mainstream movies I like
The Matrix- "Whoa."
Se7en- Suspense. Great Cast. Awesome Graphics and filming. All around disturbing :D
12 Monkies- I saw it being filmed in Philly. Brad Pitt's character reminds me when "someone" I know has too much red food dye  :D
Reservior Dogs- "Why do I have to be Mr. Brown? That's almost like being Mr Sh*t"

Anne of Green Gables- I read the books and loved them. This is one of the only movies based on a book or series that I like. Very funny and *gasp* heartwarming. Chick flick :)
Anne of Avonlea-follows the rest of her life.
Stand By Me- "Sic Balls Chopper!"
Saving Ryan's Privates- I mean.. er ya. My bad. Good movie.
Forrest Gump- Read the books. Loved them. Tom Hanks is my Favorite actor.
Lord of the Flies- Book was great. Movie was too.
The Fisher King- In case you have not noticed, I like movies related to fantasy
Empire of the Sun- Realistic War through the eyes of a boy.
Reguarding Henry- Harrison Ford yum.
Rainman- I like it because he drives better than I do.
Indiana Jones- All of them. Sean Connery in the last one is my fave.

The Nightmare Before Christmas
- just cool.
SouthPark the Movie- Shut your F****ing Face Uncle F***er! I see a Grammy.
West Side Story- I saw it live.
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