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La Tierra del Fuego.
A Novel by Gustavo Ventocilla
I have wrote for Teather, TV, Films, Radio, Newspapers and Newsletters.
Those experiences left a mark over me and was also my intention to leave my own mark on each piece of paper that I did.
Writing is in my blood, part of my daily routine, natural and necessary for me as breathing.
Si I do it, daily, constantly.
The material is there, in the streets, wandering next to you. It's also in my dreams, something very strange as many times I suddenly wake up early in the morning with a full story ready to be written. I keep a notepad on my bed side table, of course.
I love all the formats available, and I have to be honest: My language is mostly visual.
However, there are some aspects of telling a story that needs the lenght, structure and possibilities that the hardcopy format gives.
That's why right now, after years of doing research, I'm writing a series of books.
I can only say, for the moment, that it is a story with lots of historical facts, science and action.
I'm very proud of the results and I hope soon you'll be able to get them in your bookstore.
However, to let you know my style, in this page you have one example of early my writing work. It's a Fiction Novel, but as it is my style,
based on real characters and situations.
It's maybe not my best piece of work, but I have a particular love for it. Many changes happened on me during the process that opened many doors, real and creative, after.
There's a funny story behind the book too. As the books market is almost inexistent in Peru, due to piracy and the leniency of the authorities it was pointless to publish there.
So, I did my own "Pirate" version of the book, full of typos, gross mistakes, etc.
The sales of the "Pirate" edition where great! Of course I never saw a cent of that money, never wanted. But it was like doing a "publishing performance" in the streets of Lima.
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The Book is in Spanish.
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Hope you enjoy the Book.
All commentaries, critics and suggestions are welcome.
You can write me to the email address at the Home Page.
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