Full name: Zachary Walker Hanson
Date of Birth: October 22, 1985
Nicknames: Zac, Prozac, Physco Boy, Crazy Little Zac
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Hair- dark blond
Eyes- brown


Girl- "The girl I'm going to marry."
Cereal- Toast
Movie- Matrix
Book- Lord of The Rings 2 Towers
Color- Dark and light blue
Favorite Ice Cream- Chocolate
Favorite Pop- Dr. Pepper
Favorite School Subject- Math

Interesting Facts:

            Zac is left handed
            Favorite book in childhood was Green Eggs and Ham
           Likes dogs
           Mistaked himself for a girl the first time he saw himself on T.V.
           Zac wrote Man From Milwaukee
           He loves Halloween
           His mom used to braid his hair into teeny weeny braids when he was little
           Lost a tooth prior to the day of shooting the music video "Where's The Love"

       "Lots of trees, all together....equal, BIG TREES!"
       "I'm the quiet drummer."
       "Haven't you heard, we're not normal"
       "The point is, people focus on the hair, the girlfriends, all that stuff, and it's not something we care about. Ask us about writing songs. Ask us about writing music."
       "I'm a 14 year-old with a full time job."
       "Love has the power to do anything."
       "Yeah, I'm weird, I put the milk in before the cereal."

Role in the Band- Percussion, Drums, Vocals, Keyboard, Piano, Harmonica, Guitar
Zac Links
Zac Pictures
Currently lives with Isaac in their New York City downtown apartment.
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