A house near the edge of town
On the surface of Avia
2000 Avian Time

After a few moments, they reached a house that quite different from the rest of the buildings on the street.  Where most of the houses truly resembled covered nests, this house looked almost like a large box with a slanted roof.  Clay bounded in and quickly said, �Lia, pack our things.  Zipporah!�

A small bird-woman appeared in a doorway.  �Clay, you�re back early.�

Clay nodded.  �Something came up,� he explained, �We�re leaving.�

�The nestling is sleeping,� she replied.

Clay nodded and headed into a back room.  After a few moments, he returned carrying a small boy.  There was no doubt that the child was his son, they both had the same hair and facial features.  Clay frowned and said, �Falcone�s gonna catch up soon.  I need someone to carry him, so I can fight.�

Jack nodded, �I can see why you couldn�t leave that behind.  Sam,� he said turning to the younger man, �can you manage.�

Sam nodded and said, �O-okay.�  Clay nodded slightly and handed the small boy to Sam.

The child stirred and looked around with wide, blue-gray eyes.  �Daddy,� he said, suddenly frightened.

�It�s okay, Sweetie,� Clay said soothingly, �We�re just going on a little trip.�  The child quieted and Clay turned to his partner.  �Got everything?�

Lia nodded and held up a small bag.  �Right here, let�s go.�

As they started for the door, Clay�s son woke up and said, �Daddy, where�s Boo?�

Clay shook his head slightly, �I forgot her.  Start out, I�ll catch up.�  Before anyone could protest, Clay disappeared back into the child�s room.

Jack nodded slightly, �You heard him, Falcone will be here soon.  Let�s go people, we need to get to the landing pod.�

The crew quickly headed down the street to the edge of town.  Jack turned to Lia. �It�s just inside those trees,� he said, pointing just ahead of them.

Lia nodded and turned to look back toward where Clay would be coming.  �Here he comes,� she said in relief as she saw her partner hurrying toward them.

Jack nodded and said, �Yeah, and he�s brought some friends.�  He turned to Jim.  �Get them on the ship, then lay covering fire for Webb.�

Jim nodded and Jack turned back toward Falcone and his people.  They were flying and had a distinct advantage over the man running toward them on the ground.  Jack pulled his sidearm and began firing at them.  Almost glaring at the agent, Jack shouted, �Hurry, Webb!�

Clay finally reached them and pushed Lia ahead of him toward the landing pod.  Jack fired off a few more shots and rushed ahead.  He leapt into the pod and pulled Lia up.  In that instant, a shot hit Webb in the shoulder.  He fell to the ground, with a cry of pain.  Jim pulled him to his feet and fired off a few more shots before pulling the injured man into the pod.

Jack shut the door and called to Vin, �Okay, kids.  Let�s motor!�

Vin nodded and muttered, �Aye, aye, sir.�

It didn�t take them long to fly out of range of the energy weapons wielded by Falcone and his people.  Meanwhile, Nathan had begun seeing to the injured.  He pulled out a pair of scissors and cut Clay�s shirt off.  Carefully inspecting the burn, he said, �It�s minor.  He�ll be fine.�

�Good,� Jack replied.  He glanced around at the other members of the landing party.  �Everyone okay.�

�No,� Daniel said quietly.  He gently took Corey from Sam, and Jack noticed the younger man was favoring his shoulder.

Jack frowned in concern and said, �That guy pecked you.�

Sam shrugged and mumbled, �I�m fine.�

Daniel looked up at him and said softly, �You�re bleeding.�  He turned back to weeping child in his arms and tried to calm him.

Clay looked at his son and said, �Corey, honey, it�s okay.  I�m fine; you�re fine.  Everybody�s just fine.�  The child quieted somewhat and his father asked softly, �Do you want Boo?�  At his nod, Clay handed a small doll to Corey.  Corey clasped it with both hands and settled against Daniel with a soft sigh.

Jack frowned slightly.  �Okay,� he said, �you do realize that�s a doll you just gave him.�

Clay nodded and said, �He likes his doll.  It calms him down.�

Nathan frowned in worry and replied, �You risked your life to get a doll?�

Clay nodded and glanced at the peacefully dozing boy.  Looking back at the medic, he asked, �Look at him and tell me it wasn�t worth it.�  With a deep yawn, Clay leaned back against the seat and fell asleep.

Lia frowned and said softly, �You gave him something.�

Nathan nodded and replied, �I thought it would be best if he rested.�

�He�s not going to be happy,� Lia informed him.

The medic shrugged and said, �Oh well.�  Without another word, he went over to tend to Sam�s shoulder wound.  Nathan shook his head slightly and said, �It�s not deep.  His uniform took the brunt of the blow.  I�ll put a sterile dressing over it.�

Jack frowned.  �They aren�t really uniforms,� he corrected softly.

Nathan rolled his eyes, �Whatever, Jack.�

In the sickbay of Larabee�s Lady
In orbit above Avia
1500 Zulu (one hour later)

Clay opened his eyes and glanced around.  It was clear that he was in the sickbay of the ship, but it was unlike any other sickbay he�d ever been in.  Rather than the austere, sterile conditions of most, this room was cozy and soothing.  He sat up and rubbed his sore shoulder.  Glancing around again, he called, �Hello?�

A woman peered in and smiled.  �You�re awake,� she said.  Clay nodded slightly.  The woman was quite beautiful with long dark hair and warm brown eyes.  �I�m Dr. Ellie Summers,� she said, coming to stand beside the bed.

Clay winced as she prodded the burn on his shoulder.  In a soft, almost timid voice, he asked, �Where�s Corey?�

Ellie smiled again and replied, �He�s in the room that will serve as your quarters while you�re here.�

Clay nodded.  �Can I go there now?�

Ellie pursed her lips in consternation.  �I�d rather you stayed here.  You need to rest,� she explained quietly.

�I�ll rest better where I can keep an eye on my son,� Clay argued, adding, �I promise that I�ll rest.  I just have to write a report for the captain and for Director Chegwidden.�

Ellie frowned slightly, but relented, saying, �Just be sure you rest.�  Clay nodded, and she had one of the nurses show him down to the quarters where his son was quietly sleeping.

May 18, 2155 (Loyalian Reckoning)
The captain�s ready room on board the Larabee�s Lady
In orbit around Avia
0900 Zulu

At a chirp from his the computer on his desk, Chris looked up from the book he was reading.  Setting the book down, he pressed a flashing button.  �Yes,� he said.

�Captain,� came C.J.�s voice.  �We�re receiving a subspace message from Director Chegwidden.�

�Thank you, C.J.�  Chris turned to the subspace communicator and pressed the appropriate buttons.  In an instant, Chegwidden�s face appeared on the screen.  �What can I do for the CIA, Director?�

�Hello, Captain Larabee,� the other greeted.  He looked at the datapad in front of him and said, �I was wondering if you could do me a favor.�

�What?� Chris asked, suddenly wary.  What kind of favor could the director of the Confederation Intelligence Agency need from the captain of an exploration vessel?

�Well,� he said softly.  �I received a report from Agent Webb this morning about the mission to Avia.  He told me in detail everything that occurred.�

�Yes,� Chris prompted, still unsure where A.J. was going with this.

A.J. frowned.  �Clay was injured retrieving something of great sentimental value from his home on that world.�

Chris nodded gravely.  �Yeah, Jack told me he went back to retrieve a doll that his son had nearly forgotten.  On the way back to the landing pod, Lord Falcone�s men gave chase and he was shot.  Dr. Summers assures me that his injuries were mild.�

A.J. shook his head.  �That�s not the point, Chris,� he said irritably.  �The point is; Clay could have been killed because he was thinking about his son�s welfare instead of the possible dangers.�

Chris nodded and asked, �You have a solution to this problem?�

�Webb and his partner have experience exploring ruins and opening diplomatic relations with native peoples.  They work well with other people and they need someplace stable to raise the boy,� A.J. said; then he looked at Chris and raised an eyebrow.

Chris sighed.  �You want me to add them to my crew.�

It was a statement of fact, rather than a question, but Chegwidden nodded silently in response.

�In what capacity, A.J.?� Chris asked in frustration.  �I mean � I�d love to give your guy a break.  He certainly would be happier if he knew his son was safe, no matter what he was doing.  But � well, Councilwoman Latham wants me to justify every new crewmember I try to install.  You don�t know what I went through when I tried to bring Miranda Westing into the crew.�  He shook his head and laughed bitterly.  �I made her the supply officer, for goodness sake!�

Chegwidden sighed.  �I know what Latham can be like, but there has to be a way around her.�  Both men sat in silent thought for a few moments, before A.J. said, �Could you use someone to do just what they did down there on Avia more often?�

Chris�s eyes narrowed.  �What?� he asked.  �Go ahead of the main landing party and scope out the situation?�  A.J. nodded, and Chris considered it for a moment.  �Yeah, that worked better than if we�d just gone directly to Falcone as we normally do.  There may have been more injuries if we hadn�t known how things stood.�

�There you go!� A.J. said.  �And we can further justify it by saying it saves on the expense of flying Clay and Lia to worlds.  They�ll travel with you.�

�Think they�ll go for it?� Chris asked.

�The council or Webb and his partner?� A.J. asked in reply.  �I can convince the council, but I�m not sure about Webb.  It would mean being away from Loyalia for a long time and he�s used to seeing his mother frequently.�

Chris frowned.  �How long�s he been an agent?�

A.J. smiled.  �Just about ten years with the CIA, before that he was with Loyalian Intelligence.�

�I think he�s known that he might get an assignment off-world at anytime,� Chris reasoned.  �He�ll adjust.  You work on the council, I�ll worry about Webb.�

�Okay,� A.J. said.  �Thanks, Chris.�

�Anytime,� Chris replied.

May 18, 2155 (Loyalian Reckoning)
In the ship�s conference room
In orbit around Avia
1000 Zulu

Chris glanced around at the officers assembled in the conference room.  They were still waiting for Webb and Williams and Chris was not a patient man.  He stood up and walked to the nearest porthole.  After staring out at the stars for a moment, he turned to Jack and asked, �Where are they?�

Jack shrugged, replying, �Williams was going down to get Webb.  He�d been hurt, so he was resting.  She may be having trouble waking him.  Try to relax a little, Chris.�

Chris nodded but, before he could speak, the door slid open and the two agents walked in.  �Sorry we�re late, Captain,� Webb said softly, adding, �I had to find someone to watch Corey for me.�

�Don�t worry about it, Agent Webb,� Chris said, shaking his head.  �We weren�t waiting too long.�  Taking his seat, Chris asked Webb, �Are you ready to make your report?�

Clay nodded slightly.  �Yes, sir,� he replied.  �We were stationed on Avia for five months.  Because the natives were so different from us, we thought it best not to hide that we were from another world.�

�That makes sense,� Buck muttered to Jack.

�We thought so,� Clay replied, startling the second officer, who had not expected the younger man to hear his comment.  Clay raised his eyebrows slightly, then continued, �We insinuated ourselves as musicians at the local bar and told the natives that exploring old ruins was a hobby.  Most were more than willing to tell us where to find sites.�

Lia nodded and said, �Using our cover story we explored a great many of the native ruins on the world, although we didn�t find anything too spectacular at any of them.�

�Um, ex-excuse me,� Daniel interrupted.  When the two agents turned to him, he asked, �Did-did you keep records of these expeditions?�

Clay nodded and answered, �Yes, sir.  We kept both visual records and written records of all the sites we visited.  Also we collected some rather interesting artifacts.�

�You noted where the objects were before you moved them, right?  I mean; placement is very important in figuring out the importance and use of artifacts.�

Lia nodded and replied, �Yes, we did, sir.�

Clay smirked and said, �See, that�s why the Director sent us.  We�ve assisted in archeological excavations before.�

Chris nodded and said, �If that�s all, Daniel?�  At his nod, Chris said, �You can continue.�

Clay nodded.  �Of course, sir.  We found out rather quickly that Falcone owned the land that the Cygman ruins are on.  After we�d gotten to know him, we started exploring other sites on his property.  He wouldn�t allow us to explore the Cygman settlement, however, and that piqued our curiosity.  Three days ago we sneaked onto his land and visited the site.�

Lia nodded and added, �When we got there, it became clear that the settlement had not merely been abandoned, it had been attacked.�

Jack frowned and asked, �Your evidence?�

Lia turned to face him and answered, �The buildings were in a worse state than simple neglect would explain and we found scorch marks consistent with the energy weapons used by the natives.�

Buck nodded.  �That�s what I�d call evidence.�

�Yeah, us to,� Clay replied tartly.

Chris frowned, but didn�t comment on the agent�s tone.  Instead, he cleared his throat to get his attention.  Clear gray-blue eyes turned to meet his and he asked, �Any chance of survivors?�

Clay looked thoughtful for a moment; then answered, �It�s hard to say, sir.  We know they never left the planet, but they may be in hiding some place on the surface.�

Daniel spoke, saying, �Chris.�  When the captain turned his attention to the young archeologist, he said, �They may have hidden in caves.  Humans tend to go underground when they are in danger.�

Chris nodded and turned to the Chief Science officer.  �Sam, can you work out a way to use the sensors to pick up human biosigns?�

Sam nodded confidently and said, �We�ll get right to work on it.�

�Good,� Chris answered; then turned away from her to speak with the two agents again.  �I�ve spoken with Director Chegwidden.  Because of your expertise with archeological expeditions and since that is our primary mission, he said he�d allow you to remain as part of our crew.�

Clay�s eyes widened, but his expression remained unreadable.  He turned to his partner and asked, �What do you think, Lia?�

The young woman nodded and said, �I�d be nice to have a more permanent assignment.�

Clay almost smiled and added, �Some place stable to raise Corey.  A safe place to leave him when we�re working.�  She nodded again and Clay turned back to the captain.  �If you�d like to have us, sir, we�d be happy to join you.�

Chris nodded and said, �Good, let�s just get a few things ironed out.�  He dismissed the rest of the officers and turned his complete attention to the two agents in front of him.  �First of all,� he said pleasantly, �we don�t stand on formality, so you can dispense with the �sirs�.�  Clay nodded and Lia grinned.  Chris turned serious, then added, �However, Clayton, you will show respect to the other members of this crew.�

Clay�s eyes grew wide and looked away guiltily.  �Yes � um, Chris,� he replied softly.

Chris nodded and went on, �And, while I realize that Director Chegwidden didn�t mind if you checked in intermittently, I am going to want regular reports from you when you�re away.  If you miss a check-in and don�t give me a valid excuse, I am going to have you assigned to the mess for the rest of this tour, am I clear?�

Both agents turned to him in surprise and nodded mutely.  Chris smiled and said, �Now, I understand that you two shared quarters on the planet.  I don�t care what your living arrangements are, so long as that doesn�t interfere with your work.  Will it?�

Clay blushed slightly and shook his head.  �No, we know how to keep the two separated.�  He locked eyes with Chris and added, �Corey�s mother was killed several months ago.  That�s why he came with me.  I�m all he has.  Lia is helping me raise him.�

Chris smiled and replied, �You two have feelings for each other?�

The two looked at each other; then Clay suddenly turned away shyly, while Lia replied, �We�re still working that out, sir.�

Chris grinned.  �You two can arrange living quarters with Mary.  I don�t care either way it falls, do whatever you�re comfortable with.  You can go.�  The two agents looked at each other and quietly left the room.

A few moments later, Jack peered in and said, �Think they�ll work out?�

Chris snorted, �If Clayton can keep from offending the other members of the crew.�  Almost smiling, he added, �He�s got a sharper tongue than either you or Ezra.�

Jack raised an eyebrow and said, �Ya think?�

Chris smiled and said, �Get out of here and leave me alone.�

�Aye, aye, sir,� Jack replied sarcastically, leaving the room.

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