Drabbles and Longer Ficlets
One of the best things about this universe is that the diverse characters "living" in it make it very easy for me to write short pieces in it.

Drabbles, for those of you who don't know, are 100 word stories.  Technically, they are supposed to be complete, with a beginning, middle and end, but I've seen some that sort of lack the end (leaving you with something of a cliffhanger.)

Doubles are 200 word stories - double drabbles, if you will.

Most of these stories are mine, but since this universe is open, my sister has written a few as well, hers will be clearly marked.

A lot of the ficlets actually have one of four themes, and can be considered "mini series" ;).  One is the "Loki Hates Buck" series, the second is the "Special Guests" series and the third is the "Trouble for Ezra" series and the fourth is the "East Meets West" Series.  You don't have to read them in any particular order, but it does help if you've got some knowledge of the longer stories in the universe.
It Never Fails

M7M Challenge Response: Write a drabble about something they use-animate or inanimate-that breaks down. Ex: gun won't fire, they have a flat, their horse runs off, computer won't work. Have them dealing with working without it, or getting it fixed, whatever.  Second in the "Special Guests" Series


Beep, beep. �Captain ��

Chris frowned and, tapping the communicator on his wrist, said, �Yes �� A squeak from the device told it had cut out.  Tapping it again, he said, �Vin!�

�Yeah, I�m having trouble ��

Cursing, Larabee yanked the communicator off his wrist.  As it slammed into the wall, Tanner�s voice continued, ��been trying to raise you for an hour.  That delegation is here.�

�Figures,� Larabee muttered.  Lifting the communicator, he said, �Be right there.�

�Right,� came the patient reply.

Chris rolled his eyes.  Someday, they had to find out what made them cut out and fix it.
Not Happy At All...

M7M Challenge Response: Include this phrase in your drabble. It does not count against the 100-word count. The phrase is taken from the movie-Arise My Love.

'I'm not happy...I'm not happy at all.'  Third in the "Trouble for Ezra" Series


�I'm not happy... I'm not happy at all.�  Ezra knelt before his daughter.  �You know this room is off limits,� he said gently.

Miranda nodded sadly.

�Then why are you in here?� he asked patiently.

�I was following Tama,� she said, shrugging.

Ezra glanced around at the Captain�s ready room.  Tama, in trying to get away from the exuberant child, he�d knocked various instruments and datapads onto the floor.  Ezra was unhappy; the captain would be angry � if not furious.

�Let�s get this place cleaned up before Captain Larabee sees it,� he whispered.

As Miranda nodded, a voice said, �Before I see what, Ezra?�  A moment passed.  �Ezra!�
You�re How Old?

Late M7M Challenge Response: Show our boys reacting to people of a different nationality or experiencing a different culture. Have someone come to them or send them out into the world (or out of it). Old west, ATF, Star Trek, whatever. People from around the world, down under, or out of this world. Pick your guy, pick your culture.

It was written too late to actually count... First in the "Loki Hates Buck" Series


The small chestnut haired boy strongly reminded Buck of Marissa. �You�re how old?� he asked.

�Sixteen,� Loki growled, green eyes flashing angrily. 

Buck shook his head in wonder.  �You look about eight,� he replied, patting the kid�s head.  He was on the ground before he knew what hit him.

�Don�t pat my head,� the other stated firmly.  �Next time, I�ll throw you out an airlock!�  With that, he turned and stalked off, mumbling under his breath.

Buck looked up at Chris.  �Feisty,� he stated.

�Kawaiians don�t like being treated like children,� Chris stated softly.

Buck smiled.  �You don�t say?�
Painful Lessons

Late M7M Challenge: Write a drabble with the phrase "Get your hands off..."  Second in the "Loki Hates Buck" Series


�Prepare for Temporal Shift,� Chris warned.  He signaled Vin and the navigator pressed the button to active the Transtemporal Device.  The ship hummed, then lurched forward, knocking most of the people present out of their seats.

�Everyone alright?� Ezra asked, rising.

Everyone nodded.

�Hey!� Loki growled at Buck.  �Get your hands off of my assistant!�

�I was just helping her up,� he offered, smiling.

Loki scowled darkly.

�Loki,� Chris warned.  Turning to Buck, he whispered, �I think he likes her.�

�He�s half her �,� Buck began; then crumpled to the floor in pain.

The Kawaiian smiled.  �Which puts me at the perfect level for that, doesn�t it?�
Friendly Advice

Late M7M Challenge Response: Write a drabble using the phrase: "Choose your next words carefully... they could be your last."  Second in the "Trouble for Ezra" Series


Larabee was very angry with Standish.  In spite of repeated warnings, the southerner had overextended his powers once again.  As always, the effect was that he had fainted while the anthropology team was working at a site.

The captain stepped into the medical bay and looked at Janet.  �How is he?� he asked softly.

The doctor smiled.  �He�s just woken up,� she replied.

Chris nodded and followed her over to where Ezra was resting.  �What were you thinking?� he growled, as soon as he saw the other man.

Standish blinked in surprise and opened his mouth to answer.

�Choose your next words carefully�� Janet advised.  �They could be your last.�
Who Knew?

M7M Challenge Response: Write a 100 word drabble about clothes � buying, cleaning, mending, losing, selecting, soiling, etc.  First in the "Special Guests" Series


�Let�s get ready,� Clayton said, turning to the southerner.  �The Captain wants us there to meet the delegation.�

Ezra nodded.  �I just have to change�� he answered, opening his wardrobe.  Upon looking inside, he gasped in horror, while his companion began laughing hysterically.

�Clayton!� Ezra grumbled.  �It�s not that funny.�

The other man tried brief to stop laughing before shaking his head and giving up entirely.  �Yes,� he argued.  �It really is.�

Ezra sighed deeply at looked back at the wardrobe.  Who knew Shynian moths could be so destructive?  �They ate everything,� he moaned.  �What am I going to wear?�
Why� Tell Me Why
By: Heidi L. Lane

M7M Challenge Response:  Write a 100 word drabble about clothes � buying, cleaning, mending, losing, selecting, soiling, etc.  Second in the "East Meets West" drabbles


The command staff watched as the supply team swarmed over the packages and containers.  �Why aren�t the Kawaiians in uniform?� Captain Larabee asked his second-in-command.

�We don�t have uniforms,� Jack pointed out.

�There�s an accepted dress code.  Why aren�t they in uniform?� he asked again.

This time he actually got an answer.  �They are.  It�s just modified,� the anthropology chief stated.

�Daniel, they�re wearing shorts,� the captain growled, waving a hand at the Kawaiians.

�Kawaiians feel restricted in pants.  They don�t like the feel of fabric on their legs.�

�And they wonder why people treat them like kids�� Larabee fumed.
Passing the Time (double drabble)

Late M7M Challenge Response: Combined two; write a drabble with the phrase: "It was a dark and stormy night..." and write a drabble with the phrase: "I don't care what you think..."  Third in the "Special Guests" Series


�It was a dark and stormy night�� Vin said softly.  He paused when he heard a sigh from the person beside him.  �What?� he queried.

Suoh looked at him in askance.  �You can�t start a story that way,� the Kawaiian argued.

�You wanna do this?� the navigator challenged.  Suoh frowned thoughtfully and then shook his head.  �Then I don't care what you think�� Vin replied, the small man scowled, but remained quiet.

Turning back to the children, he smiled.  The captain had said that, while the delegates were on the ship, the kids needed to be entertained.  Since they were in stable orbit around the world, the task had fallen to Vin.

Before Vin could say anything, Suoh said, �Let�s play tag!�

�Yeah!� the kids cheered.  Soon the children were running around the large empty room they�d been told to stay in.

Vin glared at Suoh. �Why�d you do that?  We were supposed to keep them busy.�

�We are,� the record�s officer replied.  �Besides, they would�ve gotten bored with your story.�

Vin scowled.  �I tell good stories,� he grumbled.

�No, you don�t,� Akira argued, touching his arm.  �You�re it!� he sang, running away.

Suoh grinned and bolted away as well and Vin shook his head.  �Do too,� he argued, as he joined the game.
A Precious Gift

Note: This is a stand-alone drabble, where Ezra thinks about his feelings for his daughter, Miranda.


Ezra watched the sleeping child and sighed lightly.  It never ceased to amaze him how much of a miracle Miranda was.  When she�d been born, he�d marveled at her tiny perfect fingers.  After her mother had died, he depended on her to chase his loneliness away and brighten his otherwise bleak life.

Now they were starting off on a new journey and her constant presence reassured him.  Watching her sleep reminded him just how much he�d been blessed that day five years ago when she�d been born.  With Miranda, he had everything he�d ever need.

�Thank you, God,� he whispered.
What�s That?
By: Heidi L. Lane

Notes:  This is a ficlet pertaining to the rempant "things" that float around people's heads in anime.  How would "real" people react if they could see them?  Fourth in the "Loki Hates Buck" Series


Wilmington smiled as he entered the room.  Akira was fun to work with, but he was even more fun to watch as he prepared a culinary masterpiece.  Akira paused in thought and then jumped as if something had occurred to him. Buck frowned dubiously at the smaller man in front of him.  He wasn�t sure if it was appropriate or not, but he felt like he should say something about the dash-like things floating around his head.

�Um, Akira?�  When the small man smiled up at him, Buck noticed stars were now appearing all around his head.  �Do you know you�ve got� things floating �� he broke off as the small man scowled and the stars were replaced by a single question mark.

�He means the projections, Akira,� Loki explained to his fellow Kawaiian, who blushed.  �It�s not the done thing to point them out,� he explained to Buck, as the air around him darkened and a large drop-shape formed near Akira�s head.

�Oh,� Buck said, blushing.  �Sorry.�
When Kawaiians Plot Against You�

Late M7M Challenge Response: Write a drabble with the phrase: "Why are you being so nice to me?"  Fifth in the "Loki Hates Buck" Series


Buck was sitting in Four Corners when Loki appeared beside him.

�Are you busy?� he asked, beaming.

Buck shook his head.

Loki hopped onto a stool and smiled as Yamino appeared out of nowhere to pour him some tea.  �Would you like some tea?� Loki offered politely.

�No thanks.�  Buck shook his head and scowled.  He knew Loki hated him.  �Why are you being so nice to me?� he asked warily.

Loki smiled sweetly, while Yamino answered, �Hiko promised to throw him in the brig if he threatened you again.�

�So I�ll just have to wait,� Loki added, his fangs unexpectedly showing.

Wait for what? Buck wondered nervously.
One Thing After Another

Late M7M Challenge Response: Write a drabble with the phrase: "I should have stayed in bed today."  First in the "East Meets West" drabbles


Chris sighed and looked across at the smaller man.  �What�s the problem?� he asked wearily.

Kenshin shrugged.  �The Enjaku is losing power,� he replied.  �With your permission, Captain Hiko would like to move everyone here until we can fix whatever�s wrong.�

Chris nodded.  �Fine,� he said.  �And why did he send you in person to ask this?�

�Um� internal communications seem to be down,� the redhead replied.

�Of course,� Chris grumbled.  �What else can go wrong?�

Suddenly, Vin burst in.  �Chris!� he exclaimed.  �Janet says people from both ships are falling ill.  She doesn�t know why.�

Chris moaned.  �I should have stayed in bed today,� he muttered.
Doctor�s Orders

M7M Challenge Response: Two or more of the guys disagree about something�  First in the "Trouble for Ezra" Series


Nathan noticed that Ezra looked pale.  �You�re tired.  You need to rest for a bit.�

�I�m fine,� the southerner argued.

�You�ve been reading artifacts all day,� the medic countered.  �It takes a lot out of you.�

Ezra shook his head.  �I�m not the least bit tired, Dr. Jackson and I intend to finish sorting through these before� I even consider taking a break,� he stated, suppressing a yawn.

As Ezra picked up a broken pot and closed his eyes, Nathan used a hypo on him.  Ezra was asleep a moment later.

�Shoulda known not to argue with you,� Vin muttered.
"Happy New Year"
There's one more ficlet written in this series, but it's long enough to rate its own page.
�It�s Not Funny!�

M7M Challenge Response: Write a drabble with the phrase:  'What are you laughing at?' from Batman


Chris hurried down the corridors leading to the launch bay, where the delegates had been waiting.  �Stupid communicators,� he muttered.  �They never work when we need them.�

He rounded a corner to find Clay doubled over with laughter.  �What are you laughing at?� he asked, shaking his head in confusion.

�Shynian moths ate Ezra�s clothes,� the agent wheezed, trying to stop laughing.

The captain stifled a chuckle.  �Poor Ezra,� he stated.  �Has he got anything to wear?�

Just then the southerner came out, in clothes that looked far too small.  As both Chris and Clayton broke out into hysterical laughter, he scowled.  �It�s not funny!�
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