The Crew of The Lady Luck
The "Lady Luck" was the precusor to the Larabee's Lady and appears in the first two stories.  These are the original crewmembers.  After "How It All Started", they get a larger ship and, hence a larger crew.
The Command Crew (also includes all department chiefs)

Captain Christopher Michael �Chris� Larabee- The captain of the vessel, which was named for him. He is 40 years old and 6-feet tall. He has blonde hair and light hazel (green-gray-blue) eyes. He has a serious demeanor and is a quiet, intense man, but he is not unknown to smile. He is very protective of Vin and may have feelings for Mary.
His wife, Sarah Connelly, and his son, Adam, were killed in an explosion three years before the ship was commissioned. He used to be part of Earth Force. (From �The Magnificent Seven�)

First Officer Jonathan �Jack� O�Neill- The first officer of Larabee�s Lady. He is 41 years old and 6-feet-2 inches tall. He has graying brown hair and very dark eyes. He tends to be very sarcastic and flippant with authority figures. He is very protective of Daniel and likes Sam. He is a Sentinel, a person gifted with heightened senses. His spirit guide used the form of a black-footed cat.
His son, Charlie, was accidentally killed a few years before the ship was commissioned. His wife left him, because he couldn�t forgive himself and she couldn�t forget their son. He used to part of Earth Force. He and Chris have known each other for a very long time. (From �Stargate SG-1�)

Bucklin �Buck� Wilmington- The second officer of Larabee�s Lady. He is 36 years old and is 6-feet-4 inches tall. He has very dark hair, bright blue eyes and a bushy mustache. With his charm and ready wit, he is quite the ladies man. Beneath his devil-may-care exterior beats the heart of a true and loyal friend. He can be quite immature at times and likes to make jokes. He doesn�t always realize how his jokes hurt the people he is teasing. He is very protective of JD, like a watchful older brother.
His mother was a prostitute, but she cared deeply for him and raised him the best way she could. He has known Chris for over twelve years. He used to be part of Earth Force. (From �The Magnificent Seven�)

Claudia Jean �CJ� Cregg- The communication�s officer of Larabee�s Lady. She is 38 years old and is 6-feet tall. She has reddish brown hair, green eyes and alabaster skin. She is very serious about her job, which not only entails communicating with other ships and people, but explaining the mission of the crew to various curious parties. (From �The West Wing�)

Vincent Michael �Vin� Tanner- The navigation officer of Larabee�s Lady. He is 26 years old and 5-feet-10 inches tall. He has longish, light brown hair and dark blue eyes. He is very quiet, but has a quick sense of humor and likes to play practical jokes. He is also a very poetic and sensitive soul. He has feelings for Ellie.
His mother died when he was only five years old and he never knew his father. The crew is the first family he�s had and he has a fear of losing them. He worked for a while as a bounty hunter, until he ran into trouble when one of the fugitives framed him for murder. (From �The Magnificent Seven�)

Brittney Yamiro- She is the Operation�s Officer of the �Larabee�s Lady�. She also a skilled field medic. She is 5-feet-4-inches tall and is 24 years old. She has straight dark hair and almond-shaped dark eyes. She is calm, stoic and sympathetic to other people�s pain. (Original character)

The Diplomatic Team

Toby Zeigler- A supporting member of the diplomatic team on Larabee�s Lady. He is about 5-feet-10 inches and is about 41 years old. He has dark hair, brown eyes, is somewhat balding and had a full beard and mustache.
As an expert in dealing with the members of Earth Force, he is an invaluable member of the team. He keeps things running smoothly between the crew and Earth Force officials and helps to smooth the way when they need to put in to an Earth Force space station or colony. (From �The West Wing�)

Samuel Norman �Sam� Seaborn- A supporting member of the diplomatic team on board the ship. He is 5-feet-11 inches tall and is 31 years old. He has dark hair and dark blue eyes. He is a wizard, who has just passed his ordeal. He has known Josh for about eight years, they�re good friends. He may have feelings for Ainsley.
He is an expert on a large number of peoples, including Minbari, Centauri and Narn. In this way he helps the crew negotiate what may otherwise be somewhat hostile territory. (From �The West Wing�)

Joshua �Josh� Lyman- A member of the support staff on the diplomatic team. He is 38 years old and 6-feet tall. He has curly brown hair and brown eyes. Josh is a perfectionist and can be somewhat obsessive at times. He may have feelings for Donna. They like to tease each other.
Because he thinks quickly on his feet, he is often sent into situations where the crew does not know who they will end up dealing with. (From �The West Wing�)

The Medical Team

Janet Fraiser- The Chief Medical Officer of Larabee�s Lady. She is about 34 years old and 5-feet-4 inches tall. She has brown hair and eyes. She takes her job very seriously and is not afraid to scold even her captain when he doesn�t listen to her advice. She had been previously married, but has since gotten divorced.
She recently adopted an eleven-year old girl, named Cassie, one of the people rescued from Aurora. She used to be a member of Earth Force. (From �Stargate SG-1�)

Elana �Ellie� Summers- A doctor on the medical team, who specializes in trauma. She is about 25 years old and is about 5-feet-6 inches tall. She has bronzed skin, wavy jet-black hair and warm brown eyes. She enjoys teasing different members of the crew, specifically the shy ones. She has feelings for Vin. (Original character)

Malcolm �Mac� MacKeon- A doctor on the medical team, who specializes in orthopedic surgery. He is 32 years old and 6-feet-3 inches tall. He has curly brown hair and gray eyes. He is a happy man, with an excellent bedside manner that immediately sets his patient at ease. (original character)

Josiah Sanchez- The psychologist on board the ship, he acts as the ship�s Councilor. He is about 47 years old and is 6-feet-1 inch tall. He has graying brown hair and pale blue eyes. He is very protective of Ezra, and sees him as something like a son. (From �The Magnificent Seven�)

Nathan Jackson- The field medic on the team, he specializes in emergency medicine and first aid. He is 39 years old and 6-feet-3 inches. He has dark hair, brown eyes and a dark complexion. He lives by a high moral code, this often causes conflict between him and Ezra. He has feelings for Rain. (From �The Magnificent Seven�)

Annette �Nettie� Wells- A nurse and specialist in natural medicines. She is in her late fifties or early sixties and is about 5-feet-4 inches tall. She has curly gray hair and vibrant blue eyes. She sees Vin as a son and is Casey�s aunt. (From �The Magnificent Seven�)

The Archeological Team

Daniel Melbourne Jackson- The Chief Archeologist on Larabee�s Lady. An archeologist and linguist with no equal, he is an invaluable addition to the crew. He is 6-feet tall and about 32 years old. He has dark blonde hair, bright blue eyes and wears glasses. He tends to be very serious, soft-spoken and can have an impersonal manner. He is married to Sha�re.
His parents died when he was very young, leaving him an orphan and resulting in his being placed in various foster homes. He has been all over the universe and speaks over twenty languages as a result. His grasp of language also helps him talk his way out of confrontations and makes him an excellent diplomat. He also acts as a Guide for Jack, who is a Sentinel. His spirit guide uses the form of a fox. (From �Stargate SG-1�)

Blair Sandburg- A cultural anthropologist, he is a valuable member of the team when natives are encountered. He is 5-feet-8 inches and is 27 years old. He has longish brown hair, blue eyes and wears glasses. He can be somewhat scatterbrained, often running into danger without thought. He is married to Ashley.
He also has a grasp of language that allows him to talk his way out of dangerous situations. He acts as a Guide for Jim, who is a Sentinel. His spirit guide uses the form of a wolf. (From �Sentinel�)

Ashley Sandburg- She is the curator for the artifacts retrieved from various worlds by the Archeological team. She is 25 years old and is 5-feet-2 inches tall. She has auburn hair, green-gray eyes and wears glasses. She is married to Blair. They have a pair of newborn twins, named Amos and Hannah. She tends to be naive and is very religious and expressive of her emotions. (original character)

The Science Team

Samantha "Sam" Carter- The Chief Science Officer and the astrophysicist on the team. She is about 5-feet-11 inches and is 32 years old. She has short blonde hair and blue eyes. She is an independent women, who knows how to take care of herself. She has feelings for Jack and looks at Daniel like a brother.
She used to be part of Earth Force, as her father was before her. Her mother died when she was a young lady (about twelve or so). (From �Stargate SG-1�)

Casey Wells- The zoologist/veterinarian on the team. She is 5-feet-4 inches tall and is 19 years old. She has dark brown hair and brown eyes. She is a consummate tomboy, and often wears her hair in braided pigtails. She has feelings for JD, but doesn�t know how to express them. (From �The Magnificent Seven�)

Katherine �Kat� Rafferty- The cryptozoologist on the team and is an expert in legendary, mythological beasts. She is 5-feet-6-inches tall and is 27 years old. She has blond hair and gray eyes. She is quiet and bookish. (original character)

Paige Brown- She is a parapsychologist and an expert in psychic powers, ghosts and the paranormal. She is 5-feet-5-inches and is 34 years old. She has dark hair, brown eyes and a dark complexion. She is friendly and empathetic. (original character)

Clarissa Peck- She is another physicist, specializing in quantum mechanics. Because of this she occasionally assists Colleen in Engineering. She is 5-feet tall, with brown hair and blue eyes. She is myopic, but often wears contacts. She is happy, innocent, gregarious and caring. She is married to Templeton Peck. They have three children. (original character)

The Security Team

Simon Banks- The Chief of the Security Team. He is about 6-feet-2 inches and is about 45 years old. He has a dark complexion, dark hair, brown eyes and wears glasses. He has little patience for people like Mickey and Blair, but at the same time he feels protective of them. He has a son, named Darrel, who is about fourteen. He and his wife are divorced. (From �Sentinel�)

James J. �Jim� Ellison- He is 6-feet tall and is about 32 years old. He has brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He is a Sentinel, a person gifted with heightened senses. His spirit guide takes the form of a black panther. (From �Sentinel�)

Teal�c- A Jaffa, a race of humans that carries a larval Goa�uld in a pouch in their abdomens. He left the Goa�uld, who had enslaved his people and joined the crew. He is about 6-feet-4 inches and is 90 years old, although he looks about 40. He has a dark complexion and brown eyes and bears the seal of Apophis in his forehead. He is very protective of Daniel. He is married to Drey�auc and he has an eleven year old son named Ryac. (From �Stargate SG-1�)

Templeton �Face� Peck- He is an expert at undercover work. He is about 40 years old and is 6-feet tall. He has brown hair and blue eyes and is married to Clarissa. They have three small children. Unlike Kelly, Face loves children and finds such enthusiasm in adults quite refreshing. Because of their opposing viewpoints, the two often come into conflict. His occasional immature behavior can grate on Simon�s nerves, but is tolerated because of his tremendous ability. (From �The A-Team�)

The Engineering Crew

Colleen Roberson- The Chief Engineer of Larabee�s Lady. She is about 5-feet-3 inches tall and is 28 years old. She has red hair and bright green eyes. She takes her job quite seriously and is quite competent. She has feelings for Ezra. (original character)

Rain- A member of the engineering team. She is about 5-feet-11 inches (?) tall and is 35 years old. She has a dark complexion, dark hair and warm brown eyes. She has feelings for Nathan. (From �The Magnificent Seven�)

John �JD� Dunne- The computer expert on Larabee�s Lady, he helps to keep the systems running. He is 5-feet-8 inches and is 20 years old. He has very dark hair and hazel eyes. He has feelings for Casey, but he doesn�t know how to express them. He admires Chris and looks at Buck like an older brother. (From �The Magnificent Seven�)
After being rescued from Aurora, some people chose to join the crew.  When Chris was issued his new ship, he also was given a group of new crew people - this list outline them and their positions.
Auroran Refugees and Other New Crew
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