Feb 15, 2015 - Basketball Valentines Day Cards - Guaranteed to make you cringe

So what it's the day after Valentines Day! I want to make an article! Today I searched up a very generic search term: Valentines Day Cards. No, not to give anyone. I did it to find the most cringe-worthy valentines cards that were actually sold. I found that Michael Jordan valentines cards from the 80s/90s were just...not all...but some I wouldn't even consider valentines cards. I reviewed each of them in about 3-4 sentences. So why are you reading this when you could be laughing at these horribly designed cards.



Hurray, I am cool. Well this is a basic compliment, thanks Michael Jordan. If I was in 3rd/4th grade or whenever we did valentines day cards, this would be one of many that were thrown away because it didn't include candy attached to the back. Also, where in the world is he judging from the background, a desert?









Here is one of the moments we remember that Michael Jordan had superpowers, and could jump up to 10,000 feet in air, enough to play basketball on top of an airplane. Or it could be that this is a green screen? Which sounds more realistic? I would go with the first one.










Now when I first saw this, I laughed incredibly hard. Just that look on his face! I wonder how much money he was paid to make that face, that ridiculous face. And the quote barely relates to Valentines Day, at all.










This might have been a shorter article than what is to be expected, but don't worry! Next article is going to be packed with funny things!

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