We've created a story which combines our love of Medieval times and Helmut Lotti. Hope you'll enjoy it!:)

Funiculi & Funicula Fan-Fiction


"Sir Lotti And The Unhappy Princess"

Once upon a time, in a land far away, dwelled a majestic castle.

Just by looking at it, one would never know the sadness that loomed within this castle.

For, you see, Princess Juliana was in mourning. Her true love had passed away on the eve before they were to be wed and her heart was broken. Her once carefree and happy life, had suddenly turned into one of sadness and solitude.

Though the King and Queen were determined to bring happiness back into her life, their efforts were fruitless.

"We cannot allow our daughter to live like this any longer, Clara!" the King told his wife, one day. "We must find a way to make her smile again."

"But, my love, what shall we do?" she asked, her eyebrows arched.

"We shall invite Sir Lotti to come and stay with us. I have heard great things about this singer from Belgium. Many are saying that he can bring a smile to anyone, just by singing a song!" he answered. "If this is true, then he will bring happiness into our daughters� life."

"You are right, Gregory!" the Queen said, clasping her hands together joyously. "It is most definitely worth a try. Let us send word to Belgium at once!"

As soon as he had received word from the King and Queen, Sir Lotti left Belgium on the first ship leaving port and sailed off toward this distant land.

There was a light mist lingering above the lake, as Sir Lotti crossed the castle moat. He had arrived on horseback, and was quite famished after his long journey across land and sea.

"Welcome, Sir Lotti. We have been anticipating your visit." the King told him, as he and the Queen met him at the entrance of the castle.

�Thank you, Sire. It is an honour for me to be here,� Sir Lotti replied. �I am at your service.�

�For that, we are grateful,� the King said, gripping Sir Lotti�s shoulder with a strong hand. �Come along now and meet our daughter. She is very sad. We trust that in time you may make her smile again.�

In a soft and sincere voice, Sir Lotti said, "But Sire, feeling sad is more alive than not feeling at all..."

"Ah, yes, that is very true, my good man," the King replied. "You are very wise."

When Sir Lotti had entered the great room, Princess Juliana glanced his way. She observed the appearance of this charming man. He had sparkling blue eyes, a tender brow, a warm smile and immaculate hair.

Sir Lotti went down on one knee and said, "It is a pleasure to meet you, my lady,"

She gracefully extended her arm, allowing him to brush his lips against the back of her hand in a soft kiss. Somehow, just the sight of him, brought a smile to her lips. It was the first time that she had smiled in years!!

�Thank you,� she replied, half shyly.

Over the course of the next few days, Princess Juliana and Sir Lotti became good friends. She truly enjoyed his companionship and was glad that he had come to the castle.

One afternoon, while alone together in the great room, Sir Lotti and Princess Juliana were talking. Since the tragic loss of her true love, she had never opened up and shared her feelings with anyone. She remained silent about it and kept her sorrow inside. But, somehow she felt that she could talk to Sir Lotti about anything. She found him very comforting, kind and understanding. He had a way with words and always found the right things to say. So, the Princess shared her story. It was a long story. But, Sir Lotti stayed to listen.

�Gone away are the dreams I had," she explained. "All there is left is sorrow. Where do I go with my aching heart. What will I do tomorrow?� Princess Juliana said, tears filling her eyes.

"If a dream falls apart and pain fills your heart, don't you ever stay sad," said Sir Lotti. "If you're feeling lonely, you just come along. You tell me your story and I will sing you a song."

And he did sing her a song. In fact, he sang her two songs. "Friends" and "You've Got A Friend".

Princess Juliana smiled, a beautiful smile. Somehow, she no longer felt sorrowful... Her heart was filled with happiness again, genuine happiness!

And as the days passed, their friendship grew even stronger. Sir Lotti had won Princess Juliana's heart.

The King and Queen were joyous and the entire castle seemed to radiate with love and laughter and.....happiness!

One morning, the Princess was standing in the garden, in the soft glow of sunlight.

Suddenly, she heard a slight sound behind her. She quickly turned around.

"Did I frighten you, my Princess?" Sir Lotti asked.

A smile played across her lips. "Nay. You did not frighten me, Sir Lotti," she giggled. "Won't you join me here in this peaceful place?."

"If it pleases, your highness," he responded, like a perfect gentleman.

Looking around, Sir Lotti drew in a deep breath of fresh morning air. "Oh morning in all your bright glory, you've chased all the darkness away! And dewdrops are glistening in sunlight, you've opened the gates to a new day!"

"You never fail to amaze me with your love for life," the Princess said.

Just then, Sir Lotti began to sing "Love is life". The Princess joined him in a duet and their voices blended together in perfect harmony.

While standing there together in the garden, surrounded by the beauty of nature, Sir Lotti gave her a cluster of fragrant wildflowers.

"These fair flowers, I present to you as a token of my friendship," Sir Lotti said.

"You are a fine man, Sir Lotti," Princess Juliana said, "But, I wish to have three Belgian kisses too,"

"Is that a command?" he asked.

"Yes," she teased. "A royal command and soveriegn decree!"

Sir Lotti leaned over and gave her three kisses. A light blush appeared on Princess Juliana's cheeks. He then began to sing "Love Belongs to Everyone".

But, as all things must come to an end, so it was with Sir Lotti's visit. All too soon, it was time for him to return to his homeland, but he knew that his farewell would not be easy.

"I come to bid you farewell," he said.

"When will you sail?" Princess Juliana asked, her lips in a pout.

"This afternoon. I am sailing, I am sailing, Home again 'cross the sea." Sir Lotti replied.

"Must you leave? I do wish that you would stay here."

Princess Juliana stood up from her chair and walked across the room, standing with her back to him. Sir Lotti followed her, and placed a gentle hand on her arm.

"Look at all this love, try to hold it in your heart," he said. "When I am gone, my love will always stay."

A smile returned to her lips.
"Farewell, Sir Lotti. May you have a safe journey back to your homeland."

"Until we meet again..." Sir Lotti said, as he gave a gracious bow and then walked across the room.

Before he was out of sight, the Princess called out, "You won't forget me, will you?"

Sir Lotti turned around to face her. "How could I ever forget you?" He gave a wink and then continued on his way.

The servants had Sir Lotti's horse waiting for him in front of the castle, so he quickly mounted the brown stallion and snapped the reigns. Away he rode, across the castle moat and down a winding path.

At the port, Sir Lotti reflected upon the previous days. He smiled to himself as he thought of the Princess and how he was able to make her smile again. His work here was done. It was time to move on and share his songs of "True Love" with others in need of happiness.

And away his ship sailed....homeward.

The End

This story is just for fun!:):)
Many of the "spoken words" in this story, were lines taken from some of Helmut's most beautiful songs!