*The music playing is called "Back In The Saddle Again".

Dear Lottifriends!

We have always been interested in stories of "The Old West" and have watched many western movies! We think that the landscape is simply breathtaking and that the cowboys are simply amazing!;) Just like most North American ladies, we have done alot of daydreaming about cowboys. They are tanned from spending hours in the sun, they are strong from all of the hard work......and they are verrrry handsome!;) So, since we love cowboys, love the west and love Helmut Lotti...we have decided to combine these three loves and create another story.

Sit back, relax and enjoy....




Once upon a time in the Old West, there was a classical singing cowboy known as Lotti. He wandered from town to town spreading joy to one and all with his singing. He found pleasure in making others happy and always had a kind word for his fellow man.

"Sure is a hot day, Eloise", Lotti said to his faithful horse, as the two of them were riding along throughout that dry, desert land. The horse was exhausted and in need of water and so was Lotti.

The afternoon sun was sizzling and the heat was oppressive. Lotti used his arm to wipe away the beads of sweat from his forehead and then took off his hat and ran strong fingers through his hair.

His lips were parched and he was thirsty. Oh, what he would give right now for some cool, clear water.

"Would be nice if we could find a place to stop and rest awhile, wouldn't it? Maybe get a decent meal and a nice cold drink", he said, and could hear the horse snort as if she agreed.

Onward they travelled, the horse moving at a slow clip clop, until at last Lotti spotted a small town up ahead.

"Yee Haw!" Lotti said raising his hat in triumph! "I do believe that is a town up ahead! Let's hurry. Maybe we'll get there by dusk. Giddy-up!"

Finally, they reached the town and made their way down the dusty main street.

As he passed by the general store, the barbershop and the saloon, Lotti noticed that the townsfolk were acting a bit peculiar. For some reason, they all seemed to stop what they were doing to watch him. Something strange was going on and somehow, he got the impression that he was not going to receive any warm welcome in this town.

Soon, Lotti climbed down from his horse and tied her up at the post outside the restaurant. "You stay here and I'll be right back", he said as he stepped up onto the wood-planked boardwalk and started toward the restaurant.

But...just then....he was confronted by a man!

"Stop right where you are!" the man said, pointing a pistol toward Lotti. "Get out of town!"

Lotti swallowed hard and looked at him quite surprised. "Please put the gun down. I want no trouble. Just a meal and a drink and then I'll be on my way." Lotti said with a friendly smile.

"There's no room in this town for you! Now get back on your horse and leave...NOW!" the man said, angrily.

"I will not leave without having my dinner first." Lotti said quite determined.

"Well, if you plan to stay in this town, you'd better be prepared to fight in a duel!" the angry man said.

"Fighting never solves anything. Violence is for cowards. True men show their strength in their character. Courageous men use their voice, not their fists or weapons to solve problems and disagreements. But, since you insist upon a duel, then I have no choice but to oblige. But, I will not use any weapons. I don't want a duel with guns, ropes or knives...I want a duel of the voices! The people in this town will be the judges and the best singer will win!" Lotti said bravely.

The angry man looked puzzled.

A duel of the voices??? He never heard of such a thing!!

A crowd of people gathered around Lotti and the angry man. They thought that a duel of voices was an interesting idea. The angry man then agreed to the challenge, but demanded that he be the first to sing. He sang "Yellow Rose Of Texas" and he did sing well. The crowd applauded.

Next, it was Lotti's turn...

Lotti sang "Dream Away" with tender eyes and deep emotion. The crowd was delighted and cheered. They thought that his singing was wonderful - the best that they had ever heard.

The angry man was also in awe of Lotti's voice. Until now, he had never lost a duel or challenge in his life, but now he knew that he had been defeated.

The town decided that Lotti was undoubtedly the winner! They also agreed with him that fighting is for cowards and they wanted no cowards in their town. From then on, disputes would be settled in a gentlemanly fashion - by using their voices instead of weapons.

Not only did Lotti win the duel that day, but he also managed to win the hearts of everyone in that town, with his talent and charm.

After Lotti enjoyed a filling dinner and a cold drink of sarsaparilla at the restaurant, the townsfolk invited him to attend their Saturday evening barn dance.

Lotti gladly accepted and treated them to many toe-tapping songs like "Kalinka", "Tiritomba", "Havah Nagilah", "Comme Facette Mammetta" and Lutje Bulo".

He finished the night with "The Stars", "My Love Will Never Die", "My Angel", "Greensleeves" and "Two Guitars".

Lotti left the barn dance with a good feeling in his heart. He knew that he had brought some peace to that town and given them a little happiness too.

Soon, came the time for Lotti to leave the town. "C'mon Eloise", said Lotti to his horse, "It's time for us to be moving on."

He moved on to the next town and the next town - all the while winning the hearts and admiration of all those lucky enough to hear his voice.

And so, that is how the West was won by the classical singing cowboy - Helmut Lotti.