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In the best of times, Free Love and Rock and Roll, Women's Lib and a major surge in cultural freedom. Their were the worst of times. Here are some real bummers of the sixties!
14 Days in October The Cuban Missile Crisis The closest the world has come to nuclear war was the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962. The Soviets had installed nuclear missiles in Cuba, just 90 miles off the coast of the United States. U.S. armed forces were at their highest state of readiness. Speech by John F. Kennedy
Agent Orange " the effects of Agent Orange Defoliant on Vietnam Era Veterans, to provide for the coordination of certain assistance, and making appropriation therefore."
The Berlin Crisis July 25, 1961
Medgar Evers slain: On June 12, 1963, as he was returning home, Medgar Evers was killed by an assassin's bullet.
Images of my War by Ulf R. Heller, RVN Jul 68 - Jan 70
The Bay of Pigs Invasion: The military operation against Castro was the product of an American plan. This was prepared without adequate participation on the part of the exiled leaders, both civilian and military.
Time to Cry "The 1960s were a time of riots, bombings in Vietnam War and tragic deaths of major national figures."
1965 Indonesian Coup: Up to one million workers and peasants were slaughtered in a CIA-organised army coup led by General Suharto.
"Remembrance" is a collection of "Galleries" containing imagery, stories, poems, songs, maps, and narratives from or about the Vietnam War era.
The 1965 Watts Riots On August 11, 1965, a routine traffic stop in South Central Los Angeles provided the spark that lit the fire. The riots lasted for six days, leaving 34 dead, over a thousand people injured, nearly 4,000 arrested, and hundreds of buildings destroyed.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers This site contains secondary documents written about Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as primary documents written during King's life.
Battlefield Vietnam The Second Indochina War, 1954-1975, grew out of the long conflict between France and Vietnam. In July 1954, after one hundred years of colonial rule, a defeated France was forced to leave Vietnam.



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