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Another fact that got me accepted was my second gig in early 1967 managing the local pool hall for two who some believed "connected" Italian brothers, Johnny and Little Sammy who told me they were from Back East. For a short time they took turns working at the pool hall to get hip on the haps if you know what I mean, if not tough shit go ask your mama! rspool.gif (2535 bytes)

After a few weeks, one night Hippie Rider a few bro's and I were shooting and cut'n up, celebrating my purchase of a 1947 knuckle head when Johnny asked me to step into the back office, I thought to myself Oh Shit I pissed him off for the last time doing wheel stands back and fourth in the parking lot. It was just the opposite, he liked my attitude and felt "I was respected by the ones who count and feared by the rest". Johnny and Sammy would be leaving town for long periods and would like me to take over running the place.

We went over a few things like all communications would be through a weekly bag man who would pick up the cash and leave a 24 hr. emergency contact number.

Then they handed over the keys to a 13 table (12 regular + 1 snooker) 10 pin ball machine and 1 soon to be rock'n juke box business. Needless to say I took full advantage of the situation and turned it into an after hours club house!

More on my pool hall daze later!
Any comments or questions Talk Shit! Buzzard

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Hippie Rider
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