Man Peeing on sign!Drug Testing Sign! TIP! - Never confirm a 'positive' with your own statement admitting past use. More often than not, a 'positive' is a 'false positive' and the industry knows this. They rely on your own admission of past use, as a confirmation and this is one of their most used tactics.


While I do not condone the use of drugs in the work place, I do object to drug testing in the work place. Why drug testing is allowed is beyond understanding. This practice is an obvious violation of civil rights, not to mention a practice that is and will be abused more than the illegal drugs that it detects.
A so called pre-employment drug screen is demanded under conditions of employment. Derived and condoned by some government's ZERO TOLERANCE in the work place policy. The general idea being if people can't get a job, they won't use.
It's just the opposite, if a person who occasionally uses drugs, (i.e. on their day off) fails a test and looses their job, good chance they will start using on a full time basis, due to being depressed about loosing their job!


The whole campaign is a clever disguise to discriminate for reasons other than the use of illegal drugs. It is a form of ethnic cleansing, a way of weeding out the sick. Why would any company need to give a perspective employee a pre-employment drug screen to see if that employee has used drugs in the past, as if it was any business of theirs in the first place. It would have nothing to do with that employees work performance in the future. In fact, it only prevents a person trying to get off of drugs from obtaining a job and a sense of self-worth that is so very necessary to stay clean and sober!


Take the state of California for example, California is a so called, "at will" employment state. Those who don't know what that means, it means any contract of employment in the state can be terminated at will, by employer or employee for any or no reason at all, with the exception of discrimination as defined by law!
Fact is in most cases of a employee using drugs in their work place can be detected by their work performance i.e. to many mistakes, unsteady attendance, mood swings and of course body language. So why would a company need to give a drug test when they can terminate any employee at will and just say it's time for a change.


When a person is subjected to the awkward and humiliating experience of a drug screen, first thing they ask is, are you taking any medications that might affect the results of the test. Of course a person not knowing what would or would not affect the results lists all the doctor prescribed medications they are taking.

Then they go through an elaborate procedure to get the specimen, making sure to convince you that they are doing everything in their power to protect your privacy and that it would be impossible for them to make a mistake. After it's over you can't wait to leave.


 A stink'n load of crap!
Bull Shit Detected


What's the most important issue in the work place in this day and age? One that costs employers billions of dollars a year! Give up? Would you believe medical insurance.
You have just gave the perspective people responsible for paying your medical bills a list of medications you are taking. So they now know you have high blood pressure, heart disease, V.D., hepatitis, A.I.D.S., Depression and so on and so on. Not only that, they have your D.N.A. and will soon now how much of a risk you and your children will be in the future. They then continue to test you for any changes in your health!
Now it seems kind of silly asking why is it necessary for a company to give a pre-employment drug screen, as you can see the proof is in the pudding pee!
Hippie Rider

Hemp-Oil Puts Piss-Testing in a Hard Place


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