Get ready America! Bend over Spread your butt cheeks, we are all going to get the big hose in 2005, $2.50+ a gallon in the near future! O.K. it's 2007 and over $2.50 as predicted but hold on keep those cheeks spread $3.50 is on it's way

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It didn't happen by 2005. To find out why read the Q&A posted below!

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The commute cost to make a months wages should not be 25% of those wages!

It's time the public take a long hard look at what should be done to relieve the cost of travel in areas that have little or no public transportation. In most cases the very same areas have high unemployment which breeds jobs with low wages and little or no benefits. A fast fix would be tax rebates for people who can prove residency in these areas and show receipts of gas bought in the same areas.

It is true that O.P.E.C. Member Countries do voluntary restrain their crude oil production in order to stabilize the oil market and avoid harmful and unnecessary price fluctuations. SOURCE:

Harmful to who! What they mean is we will do what ever we want to make maximum profits! Reason being the demand will be less due to new and old suppressed technology that some day will substantially reduce the need for oil products. O.P.E.C. with all it's power (money) political influence (more money) has so far been successful in suppressing the aforementioned technology.

They do this bold face with no fear of repercussion and laugh all the way to the bank. It must be great to have a monopoly on a basic need in life and dictate the profits received at any given time. Just lately other suppliers of basic needs have been jumping on the band wagon i. e. power and natural gas, they dictate the price by dictating supplies! But that's a story for another time to come.

Some governments have stood by and let this happen because they in no way want this new technology to replace billions of dollars in tax money that would be lost. They will only step in when the time is right for them.

Q: What does it take to get O.P.E.C. to stop price gouging?

A: One Wildcat Texas Oil Man becoming President and to push for drilling oil in Alaska and other parts of the U.S.

It is real obvious O.P.E.C. dropped prices to make it hard for President Bush to justify the need to pump our own oil. Their strategy worked and American's stand stead fast on no drilling

People it's time to do just that. It could be done responsibly but should not be allowed to be exported. Any and all new U.S. drilling sites should be limited to domestic sales, NO EXCEPTIONS!

American hard heads had a chance to back President Bush and as his 2nd term ends away we go up to $3.50+ by 2008!

It's obvious some Governments have let gas rates to go higher with the idea it will force most people to use PUBLIC transportation. The higher the price of gas the more affordable public transportation seems. In reality the charges will be way higher than the cost to run public transportation, reaping governments huge profits that will replace the lost gas taxes!

O.P.E.C. argues that the reason the prices are so high is, in some countries up to 70% of cost are taxes. They don't like it because those taxes could become profits to them, if the taxes were less believe me the price of gas would still be close to the same and O.P.E.C. profits would be more.

Speaking of taxes brings to mind another way the governments are taking advantage. Governments say the high taxes are needed to pay for new public roads and bridges (ones that have no toll charges) and the upkeep of existing ones. That sounds all and well when you figure the gas is used by vehicles that use the public roads and bridges. BUT why should there be taxes on gas that is used in lawn and garden equipment, planes, pumps, sprayers, farm equipment, generators, boats and other recreation vehicles to name a few.

In some cases it would be hard to differentiate what gas is used for what purpose. How ever there are some exceptions i.e. marinas and other waterways, aviation fuel and deliveries to farms (who by the way are being taxed out of existence!)

What Should Be Done!gas_pump.gif (301 bytes)


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