Gun Alternatives

                     Explosives!                                             Fire!

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  Photographs by The Associated Press

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Skyjack in N.Y.

Skyjack in N.Y.
People are not going to stop killing each other, they will only use another method that might not be as discriminating as a gun. With a gun, one can aim at a target subject and hit the one target leaving another one near by virtually unscathed. It would not be the same if they were to use an alternative that is not so discriminating, in fact many more would be killed or injured!

Anyone who may believe laws are the answer, reference back in time before there were guns. There were swords, knifes, spears, poison, bow and arrow, club, to mention a few, even the infamous sling and stone. I'm afraid the answer is in the why and not the how...!

There are so many laws in this country already, no one person or jurisdiction knows what they all are, how could they be working. The only ones that are enforced are the ones that are "politically correct" at the time. It's getting so bad, we have laws that outlaw laws. There ought to be a law against that!!!


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