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The most awesome sites to trip, head tight or not! Sites listed below have got an awesome grip on hip, they earn the dubious right to a Hippie Rider smok'n web page award, Enough said!

You are now welcome to trip with the real hip!!!

My first induction into my Hall Of Hip is well deserved of the Honor to be first. Nemo (Justin Page) has got it going on, both with his incredibly awesome artwork and Web Master Workmanship!!!

artbox.jpg (7838 bytes) Nemo's Utopia Welcome to the world of Nemo. Hypnotic and Magical images of wild imagination and boundless color wait to be discovered. Now with many guest galleries.

beeradvocate_logo.gif (2354 bytes)
Where Champions of Beer Unite!

Dave_Icke.jpg (8286 bytes)

"When you are constantly moving forward,
searching for the cutting edge,
everyone behind you always
believes you have gone too far.
The further back from the cutting edge they are,
the more extreme and, indeed,
insane, you appear, to them, to be.
In this way, one person's "madness"
can be another's commonsense."

- David Icke -

"Author revealing conspiracies and coverups world wide! "

If you are hip to a site that is a total bomb, send me the link!

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