In 1991 UCLA Biochemistry Dept. head Dr. Roberta Hamilton ED.D Ph.D found that Hemp seed is the most nutritional food source so far discovered by man.

In 1991 Dr. Roberta Hamilton, head of the UCLA Biochemistry dept. discovered that hemp seed oil contains ALL EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids) And amino acids. This was the first food souce discovered to contain all, and not to mention the oils were in the exact proportions needed for the human body.

It's low in saturated fats at 8% of total volume, the oil contains 55% linoleic acid (LA) and 25% linolenic acid (LNA) Only flax has more linolenic acid at 58% but hemp has the highest in total amounts at 80% of total volume.

These oils are essential for our immune system, and are the basis of our cellular structure. Hemp seed protein is also 65% globulin edesin (easily digestible) Only soy bean has a higher amount of protein, but hemp seed protein is far more digestible. Hemp seed is also an extremely high source of fiber.

It is said that a man can survive off of 2 grams of hemp seed with water per day. In Australian history books it is said that between 1842-44 the settlers near what is now Sydney report to have survived a 2 year drought off only hemp seed, and leaves for foliage and vitamin C. Budhist's believe that Budha lived for 2-5 years off of 5 seeds per day on his journey to enlightenment.

-- (JR Irvin)

*Essential Fatty Acids Per 1 tbsp = 14 g. Serving
Omega 6..................56.9% 7.96g
(Linoleic acid *EFA)
Omega 3..................19% 2.66g
(Alpha - linolenic acid *EFA)
GLA......................1.9% .266g
(Post blocked Omega 6)
Omega 9..................12% 1.68g
(Oleic acid)
Other fatty acids........10.1% 1.41g

Nutritional info

Calories from fat........120

% Daily Value based on 2000 calorie diet

Total Fat................14g 22%
saturated................1g 5%


Cholesterol..............0mg 0%
Sodium...................0mg 0%
Carbohydrates............0mg 0% *oil only
Protein..................0mg 0% *oil only

Hemp "oil" is not a significant source of fiber, sugars, Vit. A, Vit. C, Calcium or Iron


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