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Masters and Servants
                            Alain Simon

There is a sense that bureaucrats and elected officials easily forget the nature of the relationship between the state and its citizens. Their views as to who is the master, who is the servant, are not in tune with the principles of the democratic society we thought our ancestors had fought for, and won.

For this, we can assume part of the blame, as every aditional power of enforcement we delegate reinforces their belief they are the rightful masters of society. In a free society with proper checks and balances, this tug of war would however be neither unhealthy nor dangerous. Each side pulls for its own interest, in a game with clearly defined rules.

Unfortunately, today, after years of errosion of the checks and balances in the name of security, we are ruled by rogue bureaucrats and out of control politicians, as banana republics used to be. There is no doubt in their mind anymore as to who is now the master.

At a time when the administration wants a permanently opened back door into the privacy of our thoughts (encryption key escrow), the President is hiding behind encrypted documents and the doctrine of Cabinet privilege, to hinder justice and prevent voters from learning about a crisis between his government and various law enforcement agencies. Those media who actually reported it, did it late and without comments. The all important notion of accountability has been slowly wiped out of our collective mind. We have become servants in our own house.
If we find this acceptable, we may as well do away with the pretense of democracy, and return to a society of might, rather than law. It is clearly the direction politicians and bureaucrats seem to have chosen. This happens to be the situation the Founding Fathers had in mind when they gave us the right to bear arms. This last check is in the balance. Maybe, now might be the time to apply this old piece of wisdom: use it or lose it.

[email protected]

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