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Government Scam (Entrapment)

Federal government luring (allowing local government) to put on ballot and vote down a federal crime (smoking growing and selling marijuana) in order to later in time confiscate assets (money,real-estate,planes,vehicles or anything of value) from Medical Marijuana Growers Clubs/C.O.O.P.'s and any where else Federal Agents see profits. Added benefits are sales tax money and a (confiscated) registry of potheads!

Think about it would federal government allow any state to vote and make bank robbery legal by state law because local voters feel banks have too much money.

State voters/taxpayers involved (forfeiting assets) should file a class action lawsuit against the federal government for conspiracy and entrapment which is the only rational reason it was allowed to happen! The fact states have not sued (shoot their own foot off) shows deals were made (conspiracy) at the highest levels of government!

Think about all the costs generated (money/taxes) by allowing the vote in the first place. The money/taxes spent for advertisement alone would make it a worthwhile scam!

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