Just do it!
Give them the BOOT!
Stomp Out Terrorism
Countdown to revenge!BOMBS AWAY!

Osama Bin Laden is full of shit if he thinks he has done anything else other than sign his own death warrant!

Already feeling the pain of justice!

Others that will also feel the pain of justice!

Saddam Hussein

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

Col. Mohmmar Qadaffi

Yasser Arafat

Ahmed Mohamed Hamed Ali

Anas Al-Libi

Saif Al-Adel

Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah

Fahid Mohammed Ally Msalam

Sheikh Ahmed Salim Swedan

Ayman Al Zawahiri

Khaled Shaikh Mohammad

Fazul Abdullah Mohammed

Mustafa Mohammed Fadhil

Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani

Muhammad Atef

Muhsin Musa Matwalli Atwah

Abdul Rahman Yasin

Ibrahim Salih Mohammed Al-Yacoub

Ali Atwa

Hasan Izz-Al-Din

Imad Fayez Mugniyah

Ahmad Ibrahim Al-Mughassil

Ali Saed Bin Ali El-Hoorie

Abdelkarim Hussein Mohamed Al-Nasser


Freedom Fighters Tribute! On behalf of all Americans I salute all who have lost life!The Eternal flame, symbolizes the human spirit that remains after a loved one is gone. This one is a tribute to all who have lost life defending the right of FREEDOM of all Americans!


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