Ideas for Parents
At home, you can...

* read to your child every day
* read to your child in your first language
* talk with your child about his/her activities, thoughts and feelings
* teach your child to print his/her name using the proper capitals and lower case letters (i.e.  Andrew)
* provide space and materials for drawing, painting and building
* display your child's creations in a "special" place
* provide your child with a variety of experiences: trips to the zoo, museum, airport, shopping mall, grocery store, public library etc.
* teach your child to be independent in washing, dressing and tidying up
* encourage your child to develop friendships with others, both older and younger
* supervise television and video watching
* provide rules that are reasonable and consistent
At school, you can...

* visit our school
* volunteer in our classroom or the library
* join the parent/teacher group
* attend school council meetings
* make an appointment to meet with me
* make an appointment to visit our classroom
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