Blue Willow
Grade One

�Round the Bend Farm
Our visit to �Round the Bend Farm was a great success! We had an opportunity to observe and learn about farm animals, play in the corn maze, go on a hayride, learn about the growth cycle of a pumpkin and pick lots of vegetables. Back at school, we read the fairy tale �Stone Soup� and we made a healthy vegetable soup with potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and leeks. Most of the children enjoyed a bowlful of warm soup and some even had two or three! Thank you to the volunteers who accompanied us on our first grade one field trip!

Healthy Eating
This week we will be finishing our Healthy Eating unit. The children will be using their knowledge of Canada�s Food Guide to create a balanced �Placemat Meal�. The Four Food Groups are Grain Products, Vegetables and Fruit, Milk Products and Meat & Alternatives.

Home Reading
Each day your child should spend 20 minutes engaged in reading. We will continue to track the children�s reading on the November Monthly Reading Calendar in our Agenda. Please record the title of the book and initial each date on the calendar. Your child can read books with you or you can read stories out loud.
Homework Calendar Reminder
Homework is a learning skill that will be commented on in the Report Card each term. Your child needs your guidance each day. With each Monthly Newsletter we will include a homework calendar.

The children have been participating in a weekly visit to the library with Mrs. Somerville. We have also recently started our Levelled Borrow-A-Book program. Picture books can be kept for one week and will be exchanged during our scheduled library visit. The Levelled books can be kept for 2-3 days and can be returned more regularly. We are encouraging the children to read the book a 2-3 times. This helps your child to become more fluent and expressive readers.

Important Canadian: Our Prime Ministers
This month we will be learning about Sir John A. MacDonald and
Jean Chretien, our first and current Prime Minister of Canada.

Remembrance Day
This important day fits into the Social Studies curriculum when we discuss important people in our lives. It�s a time to talk about bravery, and caring about others. During the month of November the children are invited to talk about people they know or are related to who are or have been brave. They could bring in a photograph, write a little story or just tell us about the person and the bravery. We�ll make a display in the classroom and remember these important people every day.

Indoor Shoes
Rain, rain go away� with another wet and rainy week in the forecast it is necessary that all children have a pair of clean indoor shoes. To help keep the school and classroom as clean as possible and to ensure safe gripping shoes for gym time, we are requiring that all children have an extra pair of shoes for use inside the school.

Interview Dates
We will be having parent-teacher interviews on Thursday, November 27 (evening) and Friday, November 28 (P.A. Day). A letter will be sent home to arrange an interview time.

Our Local Community
Our theme this month is Our Local Community. We will explore the meaning of a community and achieve an understanding of the importance of people, buildings and contributions made by the community members to the community. We will also be incorporating some expectations from The Science Curriculum � Structures and Mechanisms and The Mathematics Curriculum: Geometry 2-D and 3D shapes.

We are looking for parents who would like to volunteer to come in and speak to the children about their job. Please contact your child�s teacher to arrange a visit.

Thank you to all who attended our Curriculum Night. We hope we were able to answer your questions and clarify the expectations for grade one. If you continue to have questions, please don�t hesitate to contact us at any time during the year (905) 851-0043.


The Grade One Teachers
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