Blue Willow
Grade One
October Newsletter    

Pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins! Happy Fall!

This month we will investigate the characteristics and changes that autumn brings. We will begin our life science theme as we begin to examine the characteristics of living things through our study of Bats. As Thanksgiving approaches, we will identify the four food groups and discuss how eating nutritious food keeps us healthy. To get into the fun of Halloween, we will discuss the needs of plants as we take a very close look at pumpkins.

Terry Fox
Thank you to everyone who donated coins to the Terry Fox Foundation. Not only did we raise $130.00, but the children are very excited about their learning of money!

Important Canadian: Karen Kain

This month we will be learning about Karen Kain, a ballerina from the National Ballet School. If you have any information, pictures, newspaper clippings, books, we would be delighted to discuss them at school.

This week the children will begin to participate in a weekly visit to the library. We will be able to begin our Borrow-A-Book program in a few weeks when all of the student information has been imputed into the library computer.

Nutritious Snacks and Lunches

We will be continuing our �Healthy Me� unit this month by learning about Nutrition and the Four Food Groups. We are encouraging the children to bring healthy and nutritious food to eat for lunch and snack. In the morning, each child should have a healthy morning snack, such as fruit, vegetables, cheese, crackers yoghurt etc. Please save McDonalds, Lunchables and other fast food for special days (not everyday).
Please note: We are having some difficulty with the drinks in drink bags (i.e. Kool-Aid Jammers). The children find them difficult to open and they spill easily. The best containers are the re-fillable juice and water bottles.

Water Bottles
Brain research gives us lots of interesting information about how we can encourage learning. One simple way is to encourage everyone to drink a lot of water during the day. We encourage the children to bring a re-fillable water bottle to school each day. These bottles can be kept with the children in the classroom. Hydrated brains seem to work better.

Halloween Party

During the afternoon of October 31, we will have a Halloween party. We will dress up and have a class party in the afternoon. Please send you child�s costume in a bag that is clearly labelled with your child�s name.
Treats are welcome! However, please be sure that treats do not contain peanuts or traces of peanut products as there are children in our grade one who have severe peanut allergies. Thank you in advance for your consideration!

This month, our study of bats offers so many rich learning opportunities in all curriculum areas. In science, we will look carefully at the life cycle of bats and compare this to farm animals and pumpkins. We�ll identify and label body parts, and review the six things that are essential to all living things (sunlight, water, food, oxygen, care and shelter). In language, we�ll read rich literature and poems that capture the beauty of these animals. We�ll write about bats and learn new vocabulary for reading, writing and speaking. In health, we�ll compare a bat�s diet to our own. An underlying goal is to inspire a sense of wonder about these curious creatures so that the children gain an appreciation of nature and an understanding of the importance of preserving the bat�s habitat.

Scholastic Book Orders

At the beginning of each month, we will be sending home Scholastic Book Club Order Forms. If you would like to purchase books though Scholastic, please complete the order form (using Ontario prices) by the date indicated by your teacher. Please make cheques payable to Scholastic Canada Inc. We will then place the order with Scholastic. The books usually arrive within 1-2 weeks. Scholastic provides many good books at very reasonable prices. This is a great way to build your child�s library.
Field Trip: Round The Bend Farm
A trip for the grade one students is being planned for Wednesday, October 29, 2003. We will visit Round The Bend Farm. We will use this learning experience to enhance in class studies in almost all of the curriculum strands. It addresses, for example, our study of living things and healthy eating.

Home Reading
Each day your child should spend 20 minutes engaged in reading. We will begin to track the children�s reading on the Monthly Reading Calendar in our Agenda (October p. 25). Please record the title of the book and initial each date on the calendar. Your child can read books with you or you can read stories out loud.

**Homework Calendar Reminder**

Homework is a learning skill that will be commented on in the Report Card each term. Your child needs your guidance each day. With each classroom newsletter we will include a homework calendar. We have provided a homework book for your child to use to complete any written assignments (see items circled on the calendar). Please keep the homework book in the front pocket of the agenda and return it to school every day.

Happy Fall!

The Grade One Teachers
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