Wonderful World of Rainforests
Links to Rainforest Sites:
Belize Zoo
This site has video pictures of animals and birds and the sounds that the animals make.
This has been one of my most favourite units that I have taught in kindergarten. The rainforest has so many exotic animals, colours and intriguing facts, that the children became very excited as well. We planned to spend three weeks on the rainforest unit. We could have easily spent over a month.
To help the children visualize a rainforest, we watched many videos, read stories and looked at pictures of the plants, animals and insects of the rainforest.
We usually begin each unit with a poem. The children enjoyed the poem, as I left a blank that the children could fill in with their favourite animal. The jaguar quickly became the favourite of our two classes. We went onto the Belize Zoo web site and the children had the opportunity to hear the growl of a real jaguar.
click to return home
We practised the poem reading the poem for two weeks. On the third week, the children had the opportunity to illustrate their poem in their poetry books.
This is a picture of my teaching partner's bulletin board of the rainforest crafts the children created. We based the craft on hand prints. The children traced and cut out their hands in a variety of colours and created parrots, jaguars, monkeys and butterflies.
This is a picture of our jaguars. One child also painted the word "Rainforest" and decorated her poster with rainforest stickers. Some of the animals we studied were monkeys, jaguars, toucans, spiders, butterflies, parrots and frogs.
This is a close-up picture of our parrots.
After we watched the first video, we created this chart, What is a rainforest? The rainforest has:  jaguars, frogs, flowers, trees, snakes, rain, spiders, birds, mushrooms, rainbows, berries and butterflies.
Go to more pictures.
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