The "Kindergarten Snooze"
(The Kindergarten's News)
Monthly Newsletter
Dear Students and Family,                                              November 14, 2002

Our Senior Kindergarten Observation Week was a success. I would like to thank all of the parents who were able to visit our classroom. I hope that you found the experience rewarding and informative. I will be starting the Junior Kindergarten Observation Visits tomorrow (Friday).They will continue into next week.

Over the past two weeks, we have been learning about Bears. This is one of my favourite units! We started our unit with the picture book, "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" which the children and I read over and over again. The children acted out the story and created their own book. We also read the story (and watched the movie) of "Corduroy". This is a wonderful story about a little bear who lost a button and desperately wants a home. In arts and crafts, the children created their own Corduroy. In the story, Corduroy lost his button. This was a great opportunity for me to introduce the children to the concept of sorting. We sorted the buttons by colour, shape, size and # of button holes. Try this at home with all of those extra buttons.This week we have been reading different versions of the fairy tale, "Goldilocks and The Three Bears". We have turned the house center into "The Bear's House" and the children have been dramatizing the story. I love listening to their interpretations! We have also read the story "Going on A Bear Hunt". Have your child sing it to you (and act it out). It's a lot of fun!

This month....

Wednesday, Nov. 27 and Thursday, Nov. 28
Teddy Bear Picnic
Bring your favourite teddy bear (or stuffed animal) to school. We will be sorting, graphing, drawing and playing with our teddy bears all day!

Friday, November 29

PA Day (no school)

Please visit our class website at to learn more about me and see lots of fun photographs. My e-mail address is [email protected] - feel free to e-mail me with any questions or comments!

Please remember to label all of your personal items (i.e. jackets, sweaters, shoes, backpacks) you will bring to school. Make sure to also bring a large backpack that you can take back and forth to school everyday. Please label the outside of your lunchbox and backpack with your name so I can identify whose they are.


If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 905-851-0043 (ext. 418) or send an e-mail at [email protected]


Miss Metselaar
Dates to Remember:

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