
About Me


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The Vayeate from Gundam Wing

About Me

Since I go to OSU, I have to like the Buckeyes. The biggest change from HS to college is that I've had to jaywalk almost everyday. All I have to say is, before going to college learn how to play (the original) Frogger and get good at it.


I enjoy playing tennis, ping-pong, and pool. Basketball is fun too, as long as people aren't too serious about winning. This spring, I'm going to start swimming.

I'll watch many sports on tv, except for racing. I like to go bowling but it's definitely not the same watching it. ("Wow, another strike...") And... I'm not into baseball that much even though Sportscenter usually has good baseball highlights. It's cool when ESPN2 has trick shot pool competitions or ping-pong. Those are the best! I also like watching play-offs, All-star games, and March Madness - since pool and ping-pong aren't really on that often.

(You can kinda tell some of what else I like from the pictures that I have up in each of my pages.)

Opinions and Such...

Calvin and Hobbes
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