Chloe Richards
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Chloe was first introduced to us when Jack asked her to work on a school project with him. Chloe ran away from the Bay when her father started beating her up.
Chloe decided to return to the bay to find her father gone and Jack dating Sally. Irene took Chloe in.
Chloe had always been on her own and always trying way to hard to fit in by chatting non-stop drove people mad.
Chloe decided to look for her dad as he was all the family she had. When she returned from her search, she was addicted to drugs.She became good friends with Curtis and saves him from falling off a tower. She asked Irene for money to buy textbooks for school but instead used it to buy drugs.
Curtis didn't believe that Chloe wasnt involved in drugs and broke up with her.She got over her problem and got back with Curtis but when she goes to College is rejected asa a reference from Fisher tells of her drug problem.
Curtis is diabetic and after refusing to take his insulin almost drowns whilst surfing.
Chloe has a baby girl called Olivia and she leaves the bay with her and hasn't returned since.
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