We're getting a new Flynn Saunders I for one will be sad to see Martin go but I'm sure this new guy'll do good as Flynn too.
Some of our favourite characters from the bay are soon to be releasing a video called "Secrets and the City". It follows Dani and boyfriend Josh into the city in search of Dani's dad whose run off after a nasty secret is revealed.They meet up with Haylz and Noah off on a romantic holiday. If you like Hayley , Noah , Nick , Josh and the 3 Sutherland sisters then you'll love this.
There is going to be a H+A music album. It will feature those songs that have been playing on the jukebox in the diner and down the surf club forever!!
It will also feature those know the ones when couples break up and stuff that kinda thing it should be really good.No doubt it will also have the opening credits song too YAY!!
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The Home and Away Video Secrets and the City is due to be released on the 29th of August. Check out the cool Stuff Page to find out how to win a copy.
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