My 92 Gallons Reef Tank
May 2007 Tank Pictures
Tank Setup
Standard Berlin setup
DIY Spray/Aspiration Skimmer
Deep Sand Bed at custom sump
Around 80 pounds of live rock
Around 40 pounds of aragonite sand
1100 gph external pump
1/4HP chiller
250W MH 20K bulb
2-Actinic and 1-10,000K 55W PC's
Custom Wood Hood
List of Fishes:
Tangs: Sailfin, Yellow, Purple, Tomini and Blue Hippo
Angels: Pacific Pygmy and Flame
Hawkfishes: Falco, Spotted and Flame
Others: Engineer Goby, Fan Blennie, Caribbean Blue Damisels

Kind of Corals:
Leathers: Toadstool, Crown, Fingers
LPS: Hammer, Frogspawn, Green Favias, Green Open Brain, Green/Blue Lobophylia, Duncans
Mushrooms: Reds, Blues
Ricordias: Green and Blues
Others: Palythoa Polyps, Mat Palythoa
My Info:
For any question regarding saltwater and reef keeping, don't hesitate tosend me an email to the following address:
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