
Paul C. Pelletier


The plaintiff is the administrator of the estate of Paul C. Pelletier, a gay man who was driven to commit suicide by vicious anti-gay harassment he suffered on the job at Hamilton Standard. Pelletier originally filed his complaint alleging sexual harassment and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation with the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities on June 1, 1994, alleging that he had complained to his employer about the anti-gay activities of his co- workers, Mark Bond and Bruce McGarry, but had obtained no relief. Pelletier alleged "that Bond and McGarry ridiculed and harassed Pelletier because of his sexual orientation, he was called derogatory names such as `faggot' by McGarry and Bond, and, on repeated occasions in the spring of 1994, the mens' room at Hamilton was defaced with derogatory slurs related to Pelletier's sexual orientation." In his superior court complaint, the plaintiff alleges that Pelletier committed suicide on June 16, 1994, as a direct result of the sexual harassment and discrimination described in his complaint filed with the Commission.

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