A Hook Setting Pen Bobber???

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Don't throw away that old pen! You can make a simple and effective hooksetting bobber from it. In this case, the pen is from a fairly famous manufacturer and most people should be able to find one. Other pens will work I am sure. The type of pen to look for is one that when the ballpoint portion of the pen is pulled down it resets and moves upward in the pen body. This particular pen movement (5/8" inch) makes it a long enough pull when a fish bites to really set the hook. The pen has four colors so you can leave the other pen cartridges alone and still use the pen! Select one of the ink cartridges and remove the ballpoint portion and put a small hole in the ink cartridge. You will have to unscrew the pen to do this. Attach leader line and hook so that when you do get a bite you won't lose this slick little bobber. As you can see a hole is drilled in the cork and the pen is inserted inside. Remember, use your creativity and imagination and you can turn ordinary items into fishing devices you can really use!!

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