Nonno, Isa, and Sparkle stood around the clubhouse table.
Nonno:So by schreading the J14 magazine, I got some info on the new cute hottie Boys.

Sparkle:Oooh! Like Frankie muniz!
Isa:Seth Green!
All:And Leo!!!!!!!!!!!

Nonno:Oh, if only we could see him.
*Boss walks over to the girls*
Boss:Whats this all about?

Isa:Boss, you probably wouldnt understand.
Boss:Yes I would!
Nonno:Oh yeah? Well then. If a girl gets in a fight with a super star, what will the fans think?

Isa:He doesnt know.
Nonno:Well, maybe he doesnt understand girls.
*The girls ran out the door laughing.*
Boss:I'll never understand them.
Howdy:Hear Hear!
Maxwell:Hmmm, we should go follow them! Then we can write down what we find out about them. We can make a book about it!

All boys:Lets go!
*Outside at Sparkle's cage.*
Glitter:Now, you have fun with your little friends Sparkle!
*Glitter leaves*

Behind a Bush............
Boss was in a black outfit, and so wear the boys. He spoke into a hamster sized walkie talkie.
Boss:Alright! Operation Hamgirl is on!
Dexter:Uhh Boss, were right behind you.

*Boss looks in back of him. He pulls the walkie talkie away from his face, because, who will talk into a walkie talkie when someone is right behind you?*
Boss:Lets go!

The boys peeked into Sparkle's hamcage window. The girls were huddled around the mirror. Boss saw Isa putting some red mixture on her lips.

Boss:That must be some kind of clothing to go with their girl beiefs.
*Maxwell writes down something on the notebook*
Then the girls stood around something grey.
Boss:That must be-uhh-a box.

Then Sparkle stood in front of the box and started shaking her hips. The girls cheered Sparkle on:Go Sparkle! Go Sparkle! Gogogogo!!!!!!!!!!!�

Boss:This might be some contest.
Cappy:Its a fight to the death!
*Maxwell writes some things*
Then Isa jumps in front of the box, and starts tap dancing.
Dexter:This must be somekind of rechiual.

All the girls jump in front of the box and start singing.
Girls:Just reach out! Just reach out! Just reach out for the money! Love is in the air! Love!

Dexter:Err, this is taking long.
Boss:No prob,*Boss sets a camera on the window.*
Maxwell:Now we go to the club and watch!
All:Good idea!
*They run to the clubhuose quickly. They turn on the tv.*
In the tv..........
Nonno:Teehee, that was fun.
Sparkle:Since the boys arent here, lets talk about them.

Isa:Lets see, how about howdy and dexter?
Sparkle:You mean dumb and Dumber?
Isa:Whats up with Stans face.*She trys to strech it out.*
Nonno:Thats one thing I cant do. But my gift, is that I can imatate anyones voice.

Sparkle:Ok then. Do Cappys.
Nonno*Cappy like* I love hats! Hats hats hats hats caps and hats!*Stan like. She huggs Sparkle* Hey baby, where you've been all my life?

Isa and Sparkle giggle.
Sparkle:Do Jingle's!!!!!!

Nonno:I will pick up a pillow, sit under the willow, make yellow jellow, which is very mellow, and eat with my best freind Hirbert the piggie.

Isa:Do Boss's!!!!!!!!

Nonno:This will be hard.*Clears throat. Boss like*I might look big and tough but I'm really the shy type.

Sparkle:So true!

Nonno:*Still Boss like* Oh Isa, I really love to have such great friends like you and Nonno. You two the best. Its that, if the boys find out I'm telling you girls this, they'll think I'm really mushy and not tough anymore!

*At clubhouse*
Dexter:Awww, Boss, we didnt know.
Cappy:*Making kissi noises.*
*Back to tv*
Sparkle:Well, maybe we should go to the clubhouse.

Nonno:Yeah! Then I could sing them my new song, its about Stan.

Isa:Stan? Yuck! Is it a song about him?

Sparkle:Lets hear it!
*To the beat of Mumbo #5*
A little bit of Bijou in my life
A little bit of Pashy by my side
a little bit of Sparkles what i see
a little bit of peppers what i need
a little bit of Peonelope in the sun
a little bit of Isa all night long
a little bit of Nonno here I am
A little bit of you make me your ham
*Nonno bows*
*The girls bust in the clubhouse door.*
Sparkle:Somethings fishy, and its not Nonno's cat.

Isa:You own a cat?
Nonno:Yeah, it's name is vampire. Your not scared of it. Are you?
Isa:Course not.

The girls walk past Vampire, who was sleeping. The ham-hams arent scared of her, because shes a nice kitty.

Isa:What were you doing?
Nonno:Doesnt smell like nothing.

Isa took her paw and pulled up Cappy by the neck.
Isa:Listen, you better tell us whats going on!
Sparkle took Jingle by the neck.
Vampire comes over.
Nonno:Meow Meow meo?
Vampire grabs Boss by the neck with her mouth.
Boss:I'll never tell. Even if this cat eats me.
Isa:I wouldnt want the cat to eat you.
Nonno:I know!*Nonno pulls of Boss's hat. Boss starts squrming and cring.*
Boss:Give me my hat! Gemme!

Isa:Tell us what just happened while we were gone.
Boss:Alright. Maxwell did it!
Maxwell:Huh? No! it was Stan!
Isa let cappy go, Sparkle let Jingle go and Nonno flicked her fingers to let Vampire drop Boss. Nonno threw Boss hat in the air. Boss caught it.

The girls huddled around Stan.
Stan:What are you going to do with me.

Isa held up a fist. Nonno made sure her pigtails were up right.
Sparkle:Nothing. Were going to do nothing.

Isa put her paw down, but Nonno contiuned with her hair.
Sparkle:Were just going to leave you here.
Isa:Hold on! Dont move Or I'll punch you!

Stan stood still, cappy, jingle and Boss were stilll on the ground. Isa came back with a camera in her hand. She took pics of the Stan, cappy, Boss and Jingle.
the next day............
Pashmina and Sandy started cracking up.
Boss:Whats up?
Sandy:This website posted by Nonno, Sparkle and Isa.

Sandy clicked the mouse onto a page that showed the pics of cap, stan, boss and Jingle. The were cring and dirty.
Pashmina:Hey whats that?*She points to the screen. Sandy clicked on what Pashmina pointed at. Up came pictures of Boss, cappy, stan and Jingle in diapers*

Pashmina and Sandy burst out laughing and crying at the same time.

The end

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