


Hair De-Frizzer
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 tespoon lime juice
1/2 cup of water
Empty spray bottle

Pour ingredients into spritz bottle and shake to mix. Spray onto your hair to tame static. Store remaining mixture in the refridgerator. Goodbye frizzy hair!!


Blonde Hair Dye:
3 lemon wedges
1/4 cup water
Spray Bottle

Pour ingredients into a spray bottle and shake to mix. Spritz onto hair and sit out in the sun until dry. Repeat process.

Burgundy Hair Dye: (reddy/purplish colour)
1/4 cup of cranberry juice
1/4 cup water
Spray Bottle

Pour ingredients into a spray bottle and shake to mix. Spritz onto hair and sit in sun until hair is dry. Repeat process.

Note: Dye is not permanent


Lip Stain:
Beetroot Juice
Moisturiser if you don't suit a darkish lip colour

For cool, long-lasting colour simply dip your finger into beetroot juice and spread evenly over lips. (Careful you don't spill any on your clothes coz it stains.) Note: Don't use a lip brush as the juice'll stain the bristles.
If you don't like darker lip colour, take your regular moisturiser and mix a tiny, TINY little bit with the juice. I'm talking about smaller than...a pea here! Don't use a lot!! This'll lighten the colour heaps but won't stain for as long.



Silky Skin Treatment:
1 cup of rolled oats
Plastic bag or stocking

If your skin is feeling a little rough and dry, grab some rolled oats and pour them into a plastic bag or stocking. Tie tightly, and take into your next bath. Rub gently over your skin in a circular motion. When you're finished, poke a few holes in the bag and stew until you're done. Coat yourself in moisturiser afterwards and you'll be feeling like a princess!!

Lip Gloss:
Cherry Juice
For extra sparkle, glitter, shimmer powder or  loose pink eye-shadow
Empty glitter/gloss/shadow/shimmer/whatever pot

Take vaseline and fill almost to the top of the pot.
Squeeze cherries (you'll only need a few) into the vaseline and mix until desired colour. If you love glam, add your shimmer powder/ pretty lip gloss coloured loose eye-shadow. Finished! And the cherry gloss smells great!! You can melt everything down in the microwave if you want a lighter gloss.


How to make soap:
.cup(a spout is helpful) that is microwave safe
.fine glitter^
.butter knife or spoon
.sharp knife
.small toy or shell ^
**you should be able to find glycerin, scents, color, fine glitter (big glitter is chunky) and molds at your craft store.  Candy molds can be used and are cheaper but more shallow.  Food coloring doesn't work well.
1. chop up about a cup or as much as desired of the glycerin in small pieces about the size of your fingernail.  The smaller, the faster itl'l melt.
2. put it in microwave for approx. 30 seconds or until all is melted completely
3. stir with the butter knife or spoon - it's easier with a butter knife - as to keep it from melting.  Add your colors and scents here, but be careful - they're concentrated.  You can also add glitter here.
4. pour the glycerin in the molds.  One idea is to omit adding glitter in all of the glycerin above but instead to put glitter in the bottom (which turns out to be the top) of the mold, making it shiny.  After pouring the glycerin you can stuff the toy in, but be careful not to immediately fill it right away. 
5.  let a skin form over the top before moving the soap to a cooler area to speed up the process.  If you would like layers in color, only add a color at at time, let harden, and then add another layer.
6. let harden.  It should be done in 5-20 minutes, depending on depth.  You can tell if its done if it is solid and they should pop out easily
Fancy strutting ur stuff in a slinky backless top? Make sure ur skin’s smooth enoughto put on show with this simple recipe for an anti-blemish back scrub!
You Need :-
1 dessertspoon of finely ground sea salt
2 drops of tea tree oil
1 teaspoon of glycerine
Just before u get into the bath or shower, mix the ingredients together in a small bowl, to make a paste in a circular mothion all over ur skin, before rinsing the mixture off. Try to do this once a week, and you’ll have a silky-smooth back in no time!
Easy Body Shimmer
What u need :-
Body Lotion and a pot of loose shimmery eyeshadow in either gold or silver (they work best)
Start off by placing a large dollop of body lotion in the palm of ur hand.
Next, mix it with a sprinkle of loose eye shadow
Blend well together and apply the mixture evenly to ur arms, neck and shoulders. Now go out and sparkle!
Soft and strokable skin be urs with this face mask  for dry skin
You will need….
2 apricots
1 tsp avocado oil
what to do…
Peel the apricots and mash them in a bowl. Add the avocado oil and mix together to make a thick paste. Run a bath and apply the mask over ur face. Leave for 15minutes while u soak in the bath, then rinse. Then u will have Perfect perky skin!!
Keep ur cuticles super spft and ur nails in mint condition with just a teaspoon of olive oil. Massage the oil into ur cuticles motion and coat ur nails well too. Leave for 10 minutes then remove any excess with a tissue.
Desperate to give ur skin a scrub but have run out of exfoliator? No problem – just grab a teaspoon of caster sugar and mix with a blob of ur ordinary shower gel. Then gently rub it all over ur body for skin that’s sweetly soft.

Body Buffing Exfoliating Scrub:
1 banana
1 tablespoon powdered milk
1 tablespoon oatmeal
2 tablespoons honey
1 cup rock salt
1 cup olive oil
Any sweet-smelling essential oil if you l-u-v pretty-smelling fragrances. This is an optional though.

For smooth, silky skin make your own body scrub, by mashing and mixing all the above ingredients together in a large bowl. Transfer into an empty container or large bottle and keep in the shower to massage over your skin. Use every 3 days/ whenevva u need a mood lift and feel like splashing out!


1 tablespoon lemon juice
50mL water

Simply mix th two ingredients and swipe over blemished skin with a cottom wool bud, avoiding eyes. Simple! You'll want to moisturise afterwards, as this may dry out your skin a little. You can also use tea-tree oil found in your home medicine cupboard if you don't have any lemon. Don't mix this with t
he water though, and again, use a cotton bud to wipe over face.

Soothing Face Mask:
1/2 ripe avacado
1/2 tablespoon avacado oil
2 teaspoons thickened cream
A few drops of sweet/smelling essential oil/ a tiny bit of sweet-smelling moisturiser

I know it sounds disgusting, but for smooth, moisturised skin mix ingredients together into a paste. Apply to a damp face for 10 minutes, then rinse off


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