Chocolate Biscuits


What You Need

175g (6oz)             Self Raising Flour

100g (4oz)             caster sugar

3 x 15ml spoon (3 tbsp)    cocoa powder, sieved

100g (4oz)             margarine

5 x 15ml spoon (5 tbsp)    milk

few drops              vanilla essence

                            Chocolate Glace Icing  


What to Do

1.  Heat oven to 190'C, 375'F. Grease 2 baking trays

2.  Mix flour, sugar and cocoa in a bowl and rub in the margarine.

3.  Add the milk and essence and mix in well.  Bring together with your hands and knead lightly on a floured surface.

4.  Roll out to 0.5cm thick and cut into rounds using a 7.5cm cutter. Place on the baking trays and bake for about 8-10 minutes.  Remove from baking tray and cool on a wire rack.  Decorate with Glace Icing.



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