Sticky Blobs


What You Need

225g (8oz)                 Self Raising Flour

pinch                          salt

100g (4oz)                  margarine

100g (4oz)                  caster sugar

1 medium                     egg, beaten

                                  milk to mix



What to Do

1.  Heat oven to 200'C, 400'F. Grease a baking tray

2.  Mix the flour and salt, rub in fat and stir in the sugar.

3.  Mix to a stiff dough with the egg and the milk.

4.  Roll into walnut sized balls and make a hole in the center by pressing in your thumb.  Place on a baking tray.

5.  Fill each hole with the jam and bake for about 15 minutes until golder brown.

6.  Place on a wire rack to cool. 




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